Details of the Agreement Background This ILUA was agreed during the negotiations for the native title determination made in favour of the Gkuthaarn and Kukatj People by consent of the parties on 29 September 2020. For details of the determination see 'native title in the area' below.
Commencement and Termination: The ILUA is binding as a contract from the date it was signed by all the parties. This date is not specified in the Extract. It has force as an ILUA, and in relation to the agreed future acts, from the date of its registration. The parties may terminate the ILUA by written agreement if a determination of native title in favour of the Gkuthaarn and Kukatj People is not yet made. In the case that a determination has been made, the State and the Gkuthaarn and Kukatj People Aboriginal Corporation, on behalf of the Gkuthaarn and Kukatj people. The ILUA will terminate in relation to any part of the ILUA area if a determination of native title is made in favour of people other than the Gkuthaarn and Kukatj people.
Native Title Provisions: Right to negotiate: The right to negotiate provisions of the Native title Act 1993 (Cth) apply to the agreed future acts.
Extinguishment: The parties agree that any agreed surrender of native title rights and interests is intended to permanently extinguish those native title rights and interests.
Future act provisions: The parties consent to: - the validation of any acts done by the State that are inconsistent with native title rights and interests prior to the signing of the ILUA;
- the surrender of the Southern and Northern Surrender Areas, as identified in Schedule 7. See under attached documents below;
- the surrender of the Land Bank Lots identified in Schedule 3 (see in documents below) and the Revenue Share Lots, as identified in Schedule 5 (see in documents below); and
- all acts necessary to give effect to the ILUA, including the declaration and granting of Aboriginal Land Act Lots, the dedication of Reserves and appointment of trustees, amendments of three rolling term leases. For further details see Schedule 7 below under documents; and
- the validation of any of the above acts that are not surrenders, and which are done prior to the registration date.
Native Title in the Agreement Area: The ILUA area is within the native title determination area of George on behalf of the Gkuthaarn and Kukatj People v State of Queensland [2020] FCA 1310 (FCA file no.: QUD29/2019; NNTT file no.: QCD2020/002).