Party to a Deed of Settlement (New Zealand)
A party to the final settlement of an historical claim under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.
Descendents of Kereua Te Whatapapa and Rooha Petera
Descendents of Thomas Baker
Hauai Trust
Maniapoto and The Maniapoto Maori Trust Board
Nga Potiki
Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi
Ngai Tahu
Ngai Tâmanuhiri
Ngai Te Rangi
Ngati Mutunga
Ngati Rangiteaorere
Ngati Ruanui
Ngati Tama
Ngati Tamateatutahi - Ngati Kawiti
Ngati Turangitukua
Ruapuha and Uekaha hapu
Te Arawa
The descendants of the original owners of Maraeroa A and B Blocks
Waiohau Claimants

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