
Australian Agreements (2577)
Canadian Agreements (100)
New Zealand Agreements (185)
South African Agreements (10)

Agreements with full text documents (1020)
Agreements with detailed maps (980)

Subject Matter
ConsultationCultural HeritageCustomary Law
DefenceEconomic DevelopmentEducation
Employment and TrainingEnvironmental HeritageExploration
Financial ServicesFishingForestry
Future ActGreen EnergyHealth and Community Services
HorticultureImplementationIntellectual Property
Intra-Indigenous AgreementLand ManagementLand Planning
Land SettlementLand TransactionLand Use
Law - Policy and JusticeLeadershipLocal Government
Management / AdministrationMarineMining and Minerals
Native TitleNative Title - ExtinguishmentOil and Gas
Pastoral ActivitiesPetroleumRecognition Agreement / Acknowledgement
Recognition of Native Title or Traditional OwnershipRecognition of Traditional Rights and InterestsReconciliation
ResearchSelf GovernmentSports and Physical Recreation

Case Law categories (164)
Case LawLitigated DeterminationUnopposed Determination

Event categories (146)
ConventionDeclarationPlan of Management
ReportResearchStatement of Commitment/Intention

Legislation categories (311)

Organisation categories (2983)
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO)Aboriginal Community Council
Aboriginal CorporationAboriginal Land Trust (Northern Territory)Aboriginal Land Trust (Queensland)
Aboriginal Lands Trust (South Australia)Aboriginal Lands Trust (Western Australia)Canadian Aboriginal Government
Charitable TrustCompany Limited by GuaranteeFederal Government
Governance Entity (New Zealand)GovernmentIncorporated Association
Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)Local GovernmentNative Title Representative Body (NTRB)
No Liability CompanyNon-Government Organisation (NGO)Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC)
Proprietary CompanyProvincial/Territory Government (Canada)Public Company
Registered Aboriginal Party (Vic)Representative BodyState Government
State PartyStatutory BodyTerritory Government
Torres Strait Islander Land Trust (Queensland)Trustee Company

People categories (2087)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderApplicant
First Nations People of CanadaInuit of CanadaLocal Community of South Africa
Maori PeopleMetis of CanadaNative Title Applicant
Native Title Claimants (registered)Native Title Claimants (unregistered)Native Title Holders (Native Title Act)
Party to a Deed of Settlement (New Zealand)Party to an Indigenous Land Use AgreementPetitioner/s
RespondentSole TraderTraditional Owner Group
Traditional Owner Group (Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act)

Place categories (48)
Indigenous Protected AreaNational Park

Policy/Strategy categories (114)
Policy/StrategyPolicy/Strategy (South Africa)