Name | Date | Documents |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) | 1/01/1990 | |
Aboriginal Justice Working Group | | |
Aboriginal Summit | | |
African Builders Association | | |
AgriSA | | |
Akaitcho Treaty 8 Council | | |
Alice Springs Regional Council | | |
Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resource Management (NRM) Board | | |
Amalgamated Prospectors and Leaseholders Association | | |
Anindilyakwa Land Council | | |
Assembly of First Nations | | |
Association of Mining and Exploration Companies | | |
Australian Conservation Foundation | | |
Australian Divisions of General Practice | | |
Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council | | |
Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association | | |
Australian Kidney Foundation | | |
Awabakal Newcastle Aboriginal Co-op | | |
Binjirru ATSIC Regional Council | | |
Black Suns Inc | | |
Brewarrina Community Working Party | | |
Brookvale Valley Community Group | | |
Building Construction & Allied Workers Union | | |
Burdekin Area Youth Watch | | |
Burdekin Torres Strait Islander Organisation | | |
Burdekin Youth Endeavour | | |
Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management Inc | | |
Cairns and Far North Environment Centre | | |
Cape York Partnerships | 1/01/2000 | |
Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation | 27/04/1984 | |
Central Coast Hunter Range Aboriginal Co-Management Committee | | |
Central Coast Landcare Network | | |
Centre for Appropriate Technology | 1/01/1980 | |
Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia | | |
Chamber of Mines of South Africa | | |
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Youth Council | | |
City of Yarra Aboriginal Advisory Group | | |
Combined Aboriginal Nations of Central Australia | 1/01/1998 | |
Combined Community Organisation (Gosford District) | | |
Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses | | |
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples | | |
Council of Australian Governments | | |
Darebin Aboriginal Reconciliation Working Party | 1/01/1997 | |
Deline Dene Band | | |
Deline Land Corporation | | |
Diavik Project Communities Group Advisory Board | 1/01/1999 | |
District Six Beneficiary and Redevelopment Trust | | |
Dogrib Treaty 11 Council | | |
Dubbo Aboriginal Working Party | | |
Electrical Contractors Association South Africa | | |
First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria | 10/09/2019 | |
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal | | |
Fuel Retailers Association of Southern Africa | | |
Garnduwa Amboorny Wirnan Kimberley Sport and Recreation | | |
Goldfields Native Title Liaison Council | | |
Grand Council of the Crees | | |
Guraki Committee | 1/06/1999 | |
Gwich'in Council International | | |
Gwich'in Tribal Council | | |
Hunter Aboriginal Youth Committee | | |
Illawarra Aboriginal Community Based Working Group | | |
Illawarra Dubays | | |
Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council | | |
Independent Education Union | | |
Indigenous Dentists' Association of Australia | | |
Indigenous Elders Group | | |
Indigenous Land Management Facilitator Network | | |
Inter-Council Aboriginal Consultative Committee | | |
Inuit Tapirisat of Canada | 1/01/1971 | |
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation | | |
Joblink Plus | | |
Joint Planning Group | | |
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc | | |
KEJ Traditional Elders Group | | |
Kitikmeot Inuit Association | | |
Labrador Inuit Association | | |
Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation | 1/01/1997 | |
Leeton and District Local Aboriginal Land Council | | |
Legal Resource Centre | | |
Local Government Association of South Australia | | |
Local Government Association of Tasmania | | |
Lutsel K'e Dene Band | | |
Master Builders South Africa | | |
Metis National Council | | |
Mining Company Forum | | |
Moyengully | | |
Municipal Association of Victoria | | |
Municipal Association of Victoria Indigenous Interagency Coordination Committee for Local Government | | |
Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations | | |
Murray-Darling Basin Commission | | |
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation | | |
National African Farmers' Union | | |
National Association of Black Contractors and Allied Trades | | |
National Federation for the Building Industry | | |
National Indigenous Fishing Technical Working Group | | |
National Union of Mineworkers | | |
New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council | | |
New South Wales Business Chamber | | |
New South Wales Minerals Council | | |
New Zealand Maori Council | | |
Ngulingah Local Aboriginal Land Council | | |
Nillumbik Reconciliation Group | | |
Nisga'a Tribal Council | | |
North East Goldfields Wongutha Bunna Foundation | | |
North Peace Tribal Council | | |
North Slave Metis Alliance | | |
Northern Quebec Inuit Association | | |
Nunavik Party | | |
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated | 1/01/1993 | |
NWT Treaty 8 Tribal Corporation | | |
Okanagan Nation Alliance | | |
Omatoroa Rangitaiki Trustees | | |
Pastoralists and Graziers Association | | |
Peninsula Cattlemen's Association | | |
Peninsula Regional Council of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission | | |
Pilbara Native Title Service | | |
Pilliga Nature Reserve Aboriginal Consultative Committee | | |
Port Augusta Native Title Working Group | | |
Proprietors of Rotoma No 1 Block Incorporated | | |
Quebec Association of Indians | | |
Queensland Indigenous Working Group | | |
Queensland Mining Council | 1/01/1991 | |
Queensland Sapphire Producers Association | | |
Queensland Seafood Industry Association | | |
Rotorua Lakes Strategy Group | | |
Rubibi Working Group | | |
Sahtu Dene Council | | |
Sahtu Secretariat Inc | | |
SAMLISA Steering Committee | | |
SIDS and Kids | | |
South African Association of Consulting Engineers | | |
South African Black Technical and Allied Careers Organisation | | |
South African Mining Development Association | | |
South African Wine Industry Council (WIC) | | |
South African Women in Construction | | |
South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy | | |
South Australian Farmers Federation | | |
South Australian Opal Miners Association Inc | | |
South Australian Tourism Commission | | |
South Inverell Residents Association | | |
Southern African Institute of Steel Construction | | |
Steering Committee for the Development of a Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework | 18/03/2008 | |
Te Arawa Maori Trust Board | | |
Terrain Natural Resource Management | | |
Territory Construction Association | | |
The Aboriginal Justice Advisory Forum | | |
The Association of South African Quantity Surveyors | | |
The Council for Yukon Indians | | |
The South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors | | |
The South African Institute of Architects | | |
Transvaal Agricultural Union South Africa | | |
Tungavik Federation of Nunavut | | |
Unions NSW | | |
United Anishnaabeg Councils | | |
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee | | |
Victorian Minerals & Energy Council | | |
Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission | | |
Wajarri Yamatji Native Title Claim Group | | |
Wanaruah Land Council | | |
Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (Inc) | | |
Western Australian Local Government Association | | |
Western Sub-Regional Organisation of Councils | | |
Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation | | |
Wodi Wodi Traditional Elders Group | | |
Women for Housing | | |
Wonnarua Tribal Council | | |
Workbase | | |
World Conservation Union | 1/01/1948 | |
World Heritage Committee | | |
Yarrabah Community Justice Group | | |
Yellowknives Dene First Nation | | |
Youth Patrol | | |