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Department of Human Services (Vic)

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: Victorian Government
Sub Category:State Government
State/Country:Victoria, Australia
Summary Information:
The Department of Human Services seeks ensure that all Victorians have access to quality services that protect and enhance the community's physical, mental and social well-being. Its areas of responsibility include:
Adoption; Home and Community Care; Public Health; Aged Care; Human Research Ethics Committee; Public Hospitals; Ambulance Services; Juvenile Justice; Public Housing; Child Protection; Mental Health; State Concessions; Disability Services; Primary Health Knowledge Base; Supported Accommodation; Family Support; Problem Gambling; and Tobacco Reforms.

The Department is Victoria's largest Government department and employs over 11,000 people directly and over 80,000 people indirectly through organisations such as hospitals and aged care facilities, ambulance services and community service agencies.

The Department's mission statement is 'To enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Victorians, emphasising vulnerable groups and those most in need'. This encompasses the Department's broad responsibilities and reflects its commitment to maintaining and improving human services in Victoria.

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  • References

    Department of Justice, Department of Human Services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Tumbukka Regional Council, Binjirru Regional Council, Victorian Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (2000) Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement

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