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Giants Reef Mining Limited Chariot Mines Agreement

Date: 17 July 2002
Sub Category:Mining Agreement (Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act)
Place:Tennant Creek
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Subject Matter:Economic Development | Environmental Heritage | Cultural Heritage | Mining and Minerals
Summary Information:
An Agreement was entered into between Giants Reef Mining Limited, (Giants Reef) the Warumungu People (being the traditional owners of the Tennant Creek Area) and the Central Land Council (CLC) on the 17 July 2002. Chariot is a high-grade gold deposit situated nine kilometres west of Tennant Creek. The Chariot mine will be underground with a small open pit and has a life expectancy of four years but could continue longer if further gold veins are discovered. Staff for both mines will be hired locally rather than on a fly-in-fly-out basis.
Detailed Information:
On the 19 July, the Minister for Business, Industry and Resource Development in the Northern Territory granted Mineral Lease 23216 to Giants Reef for a period of 25 years. On 25 November 2002 Giants Reef received a clearance notice from the CLC that provided approval for the commencement of Major Works at Chariot. The approval covers clearing of vegetation from the project area, waste dump establishment and development of the Chariot Mine. On 28 November 2002 Giants Reef received approval from the Northern Territory Government to carry out mining activities at the Chariot Mine following submission of the Mine Management Plan to the government after the final mining lease, ML23216, had been granted. Open pit mining was commenced on 22 January 2003. The first gold from Warrego mill was expected in August 2003.

Related Entries

  • Giants Reef Mining Limited - Signatory
  • Central Land Council - Signatory
  • People
  • Warumungu People - Signatory

  • References

    Giants Reef Mining Limited (2000) 'Giants Reef Mining Limited: Chariot Gold Deposit'
    Giants Reef Mining Limited (2000) 'Giants Reef Mining Limited'


    Mining Agreement (Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth)) (Australia)

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