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Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Aboriginal Corporation
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Summary Information:
The Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia is currently the largest 'community based' Aboriginal organisation in Australia. Its broad objective is to ensure that the legal and social justice needs of Aboriginal people throughout Western Australia are effectively met.
Its aims are:
  • To deliver a comprehensive range of culturally- appropriate and quality legal services to Aboriginal people throughout Western Australia;
  • To provide leadership which contributes to the participation, empowerment and recognition of Aboriginal people as the Indigenous people of this country;
  • To ensure that Government and the Aboriginal community address the underlying issues that contribute to Aboriginal disadvantage on all social indicators, and implement the relevant recommendations arising from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody;
  • To protect the rights and further the interests of Aboriginal people in relation to land and heritage issues and encourage negotiation and mediation to ensure all parties achieve mutual benefits; and
  • To create a positive and culturally- appropriate work environment by implementing efficient and effective practices and administration throughout the organisation.

  • Related Entries

  • Statement of Commitment to a New and Just Relationship between the Government of Western Australia and Aboriginal Western Australians
  • Western Australian Aboriginal Justice Agreement - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal Corporation (Australia)

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