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Ngalpil and Others

Category: People
Sub Category:Native Title Applicant
Summary Information:
Palmer Gordon Ngalpil, Sandy Cox, Rex John, Paraku (George Wallaby), David Skeen, Kilampi, Boxer Milgner, Ivy Robertson, Gracie Long, Clancy Sturt, Mona Green, Wirrimanu (Robert Rallah), Tomato Gordon, Bessie Doonday, Speeler Sturt, Veronica Lulu, Reggie Chungulla, Raymond Chungulla, Boxer Jalarku, Linda Yandanalli, Chamia Napurulla, Ned Cox Yanpiei And Violet Campbell Barangnali were the native title claimants in Ngalpil v State of Western Australia[2001] FCA 1140.

Related Entries

  • Ngalpil v State of Western Australia [2001] FCA 1140 (20 August 2001) - Native Title Claimant
  • People
  • Tjurabalan People

  • Glossary

    Native Title Applicants

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