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Constitution Act 1867

Category: Legislation
Sub Category:Legislation
Alternative Names:
  • British North America Act 1867
  • Subject Matter:Recognition of Traditional Rights and Interests
    Summary Information:
    The Constitution Act 1867, formally known as the British North America Act 1867 was an act of British Parliament that granted Canada self-government, set out how that government would operate and combined the Eastern Provinces into the Dominion of Canada. Section 91(24) of the Act vests exclusive authority in the federal parliament to legislate for Indians and lands reserved for Indians, and section 129 confirms that the Canadian Government is bound by Imperial legislation to protect Indian lands. Approximately 80 treaties with Native Nations had been signed by the English prior to passage of the North America Act, all of them validated and honored in law through this Act.

    Related Entries

  • Robinson Treaties
  • Organisation
  • Government of Canada
  • Event
  • Royal Proclamation 1763
  • Legislation
  • Indian Acts
  • Constitution Act 1982
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Meech Lake Constitutional Accord 1987

  • References

    The Solon Law Archive (1987) Meech Lake Constitutional Accord
    Centre for Constitutional Studies (2003) Constitutional Keywords: Meech Lake Accord
    Canadian Government (1867) Constitution Act 1867
    Native American Indian Resources Canadian First Nations Treaty Map



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