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Constitution of the Nisga'a Nation

Category: Legislation
Date: 1 January 2000
Sub Category:Legislation
Subject Matter:Self Government
Summary Information:
The Constitution of the Nisga'a Nation was ratified November 6, 1998 and took effect May 11, 2000. The Constitution outlines the founding provisions of Nisga'a, new governance structures, land and resources ownership and individual rights. The Constitution is the enactment of many provisions of the Nisga'a Final Agreement.
Detailed Information:
The Constitution of the Nisga'a Nation includes a declaration of the Nisga'a Nation which expresses the history and culture of Nisga'a People. Chapter 1, Founding Provisions, also lists key values of the Nisga'a and connections to land. Chapter 2 outlines citizen's rights, ranging from rights of access to election rights. Land and resources are dealt with in Chapter 3, which affirms the role of the Nisga'a Treaty as the basis of land claims.

Nisga'a Governance is outlined in Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Chapter 4 states the governing principles and the goals of the Nisga'a Nation, as well as the composition of Nisga'a government. The details of the Nisga'a Lisims Government, legislative and executive, are found in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 describes the composition of Nisga'a Village Governments.

The composition and power of the Nisga'a Finance Committee, as well as budget requirements are detailed in the Financial Administration chapter. The Constitution also includes principles for Public and Financial Administration. The remaining chapters of the Constitution relate to other institutions, dispute resolution, and general provisions regarding constitutional amendment.

Related Entries

  • Nisga'a Final Agreement
  • Organisation
  • Nisga'a Lisims Government
  • People
  • Nisga'a Nation
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Implementation Plan for the Nisga'a Final Agreement

  • References

    (2000) Constitution of the Nisga'a Nation



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