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Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria Park Community School and University of Technology, Sydney

Date: 17 June 2004
Sub Category:Memorandum of Understanding
State/Country:New South Wales, Australia
Subject Matter: | Education | Research | Employment and Training
Summary Information:
The Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria Park Community School (the School) and University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) (the MoU) was signed on the 17 June 2004. It was signed on behalf of the School by the New South Wales Deputy Prime Minister who is both Minister for Education and Training and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and on behalf of UTS by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The MoU is a two page document which aims to improve the educational and professional opportunities for Indigenous students and their families and provide research and professional development opportunities for UTS students and staff in an Indigenous and cross-cultural learning environment.
Detailed Information:
The MoU formalises a relationship which has developed between UTS, the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning and the School over a number of years.

'UTS has already established professional links with the staff of the school and more recently the Telstra Foundation has funded a project to establish a learning centre within the campus.'

'The prime aim of the partnership is to foster a culture of learning among students, parents and the community to secure better long-term educational outcomes for students. The project brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous academics at UTS, school staff, parents and elders.' (University of Technology Sydney, UTS: Education, 'School partnership to boost Indigenous education')

The MoU sets out a number of ways for the parties to work together co-operatively, which include:

  • 'Visits by and exchange of students for the purposes of study and research.
  • Trainee teachers studying at UTS undertaking practicum within the School.
  • Aspects of the Quality Teaching Program being incorporated into the practicum within the School.
  • A mentoring program for trainee teachers.
  • Visits by and interchange of staff for the purposes of research, teaching and discussions.
  • Exchange of information including, but not limited to, exchange of library materials and research publications.
  • Joint research activities in the field of education.
  • Joint participation in internationally funded projects.
  • Joint course development and delivery.'

  • Related Entries

  • Alexandria Park Community School
  • University of Technology Sydney - Signatory
  • State of Western Australia - Signatory
  • Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

  • Glossary

    Memorandum of Understanding

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