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Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Can)

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: Canadian Federal Government
Sub Category:Federal Government
Summary Information:
The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) is a federal government department which was established in 1966. Its responsibilities include land, water and resources management in the Northwest Territories (NWT) which are coordinated via its regional directorates. It is also responsible for Aboriginal and Territorial relations, and the work necessary to implement the region's obligations under settled land claims. It provides representation, support and advice aimed at the successful resolution of both land claims and self-government agreements, as well as assistance in the political development of the NWT. DIAND's devolution office also collaborates with the Government of the NWT (GNWT) and Aboriginal governments in facilitating the transfer of control of land and resource based activities from DIAND. The Indian and Inuit Services Directorate of DIAND assists First Nations and Inuit organisations which seek responsibility for local service delivery. It is also responsible for the provision of the federal government's fiduciary and statutory obligations to Aboriginal people. The Executive Office of DIAND based in Ottawa is responsible for coordinating the entire range of services and programs delivered in the NWT.

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    Federal Government

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