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Western Australian Joint Planning Forum on Aboriginal Health

Category: Event
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Subject Matter:Health and Community Services
Summary Information:
The Western Australian Joint Planning Forum on Aboriginal Health (JPF) was established to oversee the implementation of the Western Australian Framework Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. The JPF is made up of representatives from the Western Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commission, the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care and the Health Department of Western Australia.

The JPF has also been instrumental in developing the West Australian Aboriginal Health Strategy as a long term strategic approach to improve the health of Aboriginal people in Western Australia.

Related Entries

  • Western Australian Framework Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  • Organisation
  • Western Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC)
  • Department of Health (WA)
  • Department of Health and Ageing (Cth) - Signatory
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Western Australian Aboriginal Health Strategy: A Strategic Approach to Improving the Health of Aboriginal People in Western Australia

  • References

    Health Department of Western Australia Western Australian Aboriginal Health Strategy: A Strategic Approach to Improving the Health of Aboriginal People in Western Australia

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