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Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement

Date: 15 June 2004
Sub Category:Indigenous Partnership
Place:Barmah and Goulburn Valley region
State/Country:Victoria, Australia
The agreement covers "designated areas" of Crown land in north-central Victoria, which are defined in Schedule 2 of the agreement as the following areas: (a) Barmah State Park (IDs 58; 63); Barmah State Forest (IDs 56; 118); The Ranch (ID 134), Top Island Reference Area (ID 68); Murray River State Reserved Forest (IDs 46; 919); Murray River Reserve (ID908) to and including Ulupna Creek Reserve (ID 909); (b) Kow Swamp Water Supply Reserve (ID 82); and (c) Goulburn River State Forest (IDs 145; 221); Kanyapella Timber Reserve (ID 159); Kanyapella State Forest (ID 160); Redgum Swamp State Forest (ID 176); Monroes Reserved Forest (ID 181); Loch Gary Wildlife Reserve (ID 1901); Reedy Swamp Wildlife Reserve (ID 203); Youngs Bend State Forest (ID 213); Gemmel Swamp Wildlife Reserve (ID 216); Goulburn River Reserved Forest (Ids 237; 240); 37; 240); Goulburn River Reserve (ID 912); and Murchison North Crown Land (ID 913). The ID numbers are land and water identification numbers that were referred to in the Yorta Yorta Proceedings (presumably the Yorta Yorta native title claim). Schedule 2 of the agreement also states that "A legal plan reflecting the Designated Areas wil be drawn up within six months of the Agreement." A map showing the boundary of the agreement area is available from the website provided at the URL listed above.
Alternative Names:
  • Co-operative Management Agreement between Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation and The State of Victoria
  • Yorta Yorta Cooperative Management Agreement
  • Subject Matter:Consultation | Land Management
    Summary Information:
    The Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement Fact Sheet explains the background of the agreement and outlines its features.

    The agreement is made between and the State of Victoria and the Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, representing the indigenous people of the area, the Yorta Yorta peoples.

    The agreement gives 'a formal role for the Yorta Yorta peoples in management of land and water' through establishment of the Yorta Yorta Joint Body which is to provide advice and recommendations to the Minister for Environment on the management of Crown land and waters in the area.
    Detailed Information:
    The agreement is made with the Yorta Yorta in recognition of their cultural connection to the area. The agreement aims to develop 'mutual recognition and trust between the Yorta Yorta People and the State.' The agreement was reached five months after the final High Court upheld the determination that native title did not exist in the area of the Yorta Yorta native title claim.

    The Yorta Yorta Joint Body is established and resourced under the agreement to facilitat(e) co-operative management, share knowledge with the State and develop a partnership to improve the environmental, cultural and social management of the area. These Terms of Reference and a list of the functions of the Joint Body are set out in Schedule 3 of the agreement. The Joint Body will consist of 5 Yorta Yorta representatives nominated by the Yorta Yorta Nations Aboriginal Corporation and 3 State representatives. See Schedule 3 for full details of the functions and internal workings of the Body. Schedule 4 sets out the resourcing of the Joint Body however further details of budget, reporting and administration procedures and costings are contained in a separate funding agreement. Positions of Executive Officer, Research/Liaison Officer and Cultural Heritage Officer will be funded and there is also provision for Specialist Officers to be seconded from relevant State bodies when required.

    The Joint Body will provide advice on 'high impact land, water and resource management activities' being considered by the State. These activities include mining and some related activities, construction of pipelines, electricity transmission lines, high impact telecommunications, buildings & facilities such as schools, hospitals, community halls, police stations and CFA buildings, construction of roads, railways, bridges, airports, wharves and transport facilities, loggin and high impact forestry activities, water activities, tourism programs incorporating information about land-use practices, sale of Crown land and change of land status. The process for considering and advising on these areas is set out in Schedule 5 of the Agreement.

    Related Entries

  • Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Agreement
  • Legislation
  • Constitution Act 1975 (Vic)
  • People
  • Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community

  • References

    Department of Justice and Department of Sustainability and Environment (2004) Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement Fact Sheet


    Indigenous Partnership

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