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Enngonia 'Improving Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 1 January 2005
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
Place:North of Bourke
State/Country:New South Wales, Australia
Enngonia is 100 kilometres north of Bourke.
Subject Matter: | Education
Summary Information:
In 2005 the Enngonia Working Group, together with the New South Wales and Commonwealth Governments, signed a Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) to improve education for local youth. The SRA provides a new distance education program for high school-level students.

Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.
Detailed Information:


Education in the Enngonia is formally provided by the Enngonia Public School, but there is no service for children beyond primary school level. Previously, students had to travel up to 200 kilometres per day to attend school in Bourke. The SRA provides for students from Year 7-10 to participate in an outreach program of distance education.

Shared Responsibilities

Under the SRA, the community will encourage children to participate in the program. The premises of the outreach program will be maintained by participants in the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) program. These participants will also deliver cultural programs to students.

The Commonwealth Government will provide $20,000 'to cover rent and costs such as electricity. It will pay for consumables such as food for cooking and other similar classes. It will also fund an Aboriginal teacher's aide for the project and bus trips for joint school days with Bourke High School.

The NSW Government will provide a casual teacher based in Enngonia for students in Years 7-10. The NSW Government will also provide desks and sporting and electronic equipment, and monitor test results' (SRA Fact Sheet).

The Enngonia SRA is administered by the Bourke Indigenous Coordination Centre.

Related Entries

  • State of New South Wales - Signatory
  • Commonwealth of Australia - Signatory
  • Bourke Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)
  • Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (Cth)
  • People
  • Enngonia Community Working Party - Signatory
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) Programme

  • References

    News Item
    Linda Doherty (2005) Give black parents control: Nelson


    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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