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Overlapping Claims Resolution Agreement

Sub Category:Template Agreement
Alternative Names:
  • National Native Title Tribunal Template Intra-Aboriginal Agreement
  • Template Intra-Aboriginal Agreement
  • Subject Matter:Intra-Indigenous Agreement | Native Title
    Summary Information:
    The Overlapping Claims Resolution Agreement is a template Intra-Aboriginal Agreement provided by the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT).

    It is envisaged by the NNTT that these agreements will be used to assist Indigenous Australians to negotiate Intra-Aboriginal Agreements that can be tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

    The Co-operative Negotiation Agreement is designed to be made between native title parties whose native title claims are overlapping.

    The template agreement covers matters including:

    (a) that the parties agree to amend and withdraw certain applications so that a native title outcome can be achieved that is favourable to all parties;
    (b) a relevant Land Council will commission an anthropological study in respect of the areas covered by the applications;
    (c) all parties to this Agreement will cooperate with that study;
    (d) the findings of the study, including a finding that a claim has little chance of success, will be binding on the parties; and
    (e) those parties who withdraw from certain claims which are then successful for other claim groups will nonetheless have unrestricted access to those areas, and be entitled to hunt, fish and perform ceremonies on that land.
    Detailed Information:
    The NNTT has issued template agreements covering six categories, being:
    1. Future Act Agreements
    2. Intra-Aboriginal Agreements
    3. Mediation Withdrawal Agreements
    4. Negotiating Framework Agreements
    5. Pastoral Agreements
    6. Reconciliation Agreements Principals.

    Please see the 'Template Agreement' link at the bottom of this page for further information.

    Please see the National Native Title Tribunal's DISCLAIMER in relation to these agreements.

    Related Entries

  • Co-operative Negotiation Agreement
  • Working Group Agreement
  • Organisation
  • National Native Title Tribunal
  • Legislation
  • Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)

  • Glossary

    Native Title (Australia) | Template Agreement

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