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Working Group Agreement

Alternative Names:
  • Template Intra-Aboriginal Agreement
  • National Native Title Tribunal Template Intra-Aboriginal Agreement
  • Subject Matter:Native Title | Intra-Indigenous Agreement
    Summary Information:
    The Working Group Agreement is a template Intra-Aboriginal Agreement provided by the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT).

    It is envisaged by the NNTT that these agreements will be used to assist Indigenous Australians to negotiate Intra-Aboriginal Agreements that can be tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

    The Working Group Agreement is designed to be made between native title parties who have previously been in disagreement, and who now wish to cooperate to advance their common interests through the setting up of a Working Group. This Working Group would represent the parties in negotiations with mining companies, and would be guided by a Steering Committee made up of representatives from all the parties.

    It is envisaged that this Working Group would later go on to form a Body Corporate that would represent all the native title parties.

    The template agreement also covers matters including:

    (a) dispute resolution procedures;
    (b) research to be conducted into the strength of the consolidated native title claim;
    (c) confidentiality requirements;
    (d) who may speak for the land; and
    (e) procedures relating to Future Acts under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).
    Detailed Information:
    The NNTT has issued template agreements covering six categories, being:
    1. Future Act Agreements
    2. Intra-Aboriginal Agreements
    3. Mediation Withdrawal Agreements
    4. Negotiating Framework Agreements
    5. Pastoral Agreements
    6. Reconciliation Agreements Principals.

    Please see the 'Template Agreement' link at the bottom of this page for further information.

    Please see the National Native Title Tribunal's DISCLAIMER in relation to these agreements.

    Related Entries

  • Co-operation - Land Council Intra-Aboriginal Agreement
  • Co-operative Negotiation Agreement
  • Overlapping Claims Resolution Agreement
  • Organisation
  • National Native Title Tribunal
  • Legislation
  • Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)

  • Glossary

    Native Title (Australia) | Template Agreement

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