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New South Wales Aboriginal Health Partnership Agreement

Date: 2 May 2001
State/Country:New South Wales, Australia
Subject Matter: | Health and Community Services
Summary Information:
The New South Wales Aboriginal Health Partnership Agreement was signed by the Minister for Health (NSW), on behalf of the NSW Government, and the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council (AH&MRC), representing the Aboriginal community, on 2 May 2001 ('the Partnership Agreement').

The creation of the partnership is 'to ensure that the expertise of Aboriginal communities is brought to health care processes.' It is designed to enhance rather than diminish Aboriginal community control.

Under the partnership, the parties are to jointly advise the NSW Government about policy, strategic planning and broad resource allocation issues in relation to Aboriginal health.

The 2001 Partnership Agreement is a revised and resigned version of the original partnership agreement, which was signed in 1995 and then revised and re-signed in 1996/97 (AH&MRC c 2005b). The state, regional and local applications of the 1997 partnership agreement are set out in the New South Wales Aboriginal Health Strategic Plan (1999) (see AH&MRC c 2005a).
Detailed Information:

The Partnership Agreement is divided into state level and local/area level issues.

At the state level, the Partnership Agreement sets out the partnership's aims in relation to:
- providing the Minister with 'agreed positions' in relation to health policy and planning;
- ensuring that attention is directed toward Aboriginal health issues; and
- obtaining resources for improving Aboriginal health.
It makes the NSW Aboriginal Health Partnership Committee the primary implementing mechanism for the agreement and specifies meeting requirements and processes for the parties.

At the local/area level, the Partnership Agreement 'seeks to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal people by promoting cooperation and collaboration between the Aboriginal community controlled health sector and Area Health Services' (NSW Health and AH&MRC 2001).
Further Local/Area Aboriginal Health Partnership Agreements exist to replicate this Partnership Agreement at the regional and local levels in New South Wales (see AH&MRC c 2005a). At this level, the Chairperson and CEO of the Area Health Service Board, and the Chairperson and CEO of the relevant Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service form the parties to the agreement.

Related Entries

  • Agreement on the Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (New South Wales)
  • Organisation
  • Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales - Signatory
  • People
  • Minister for Health (New South Wales) - Signatory
  • Policy/Strategy
  • New South Wales Aboriginal Health Strategic Plan
  • New South Wales Aboriginal Health Information Guidelines

  • References

    The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (c2005) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Committee Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Mental Health

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