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Ceduna Area School ‘Dreaming Trail’ Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 19 December 2005
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Ceduna is located on the Western Eyre Peninsula, in South Australia.
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Education, Science and Training (Cth) ($45,000)
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Education and Children's Services (SA) ($5,000)
  • Subject Matter: | Tourism
    Detailed Information:
    The Ceduna Area School 'Dreaming Trail' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) is an agreement between the Koonibba community council, Ceduna Indigenous leaders, the Commonwealth Government and the South Australian government. It provides for the funding of an Indigenous dreaming and horticultural trail at the Ceduna Area School that will be made up of Indigenous plants important to Indigenous Dreaming and traditional medicine.

    Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.


    The SRA forms part of a whole-of-school intervention strategy proposed by the School Governing Council and the Parents in Partnership Group, and is linked with the Ceduna Area School's Aboriginal Studies program. This strategy aims to use traditional knowledge and cultural exchange to integrate educational programs with career pathways, potentially leading to long term employment and economic development.

    The SRA also aims through the building of the Dreaming Trail to promote community harmony and reconciliation, as well as increasing community capacity with the provision of business training and economic development opportunities. In addition, the SRA envisages that the building of the Dreaming Trail will lead to the development of an Indigenous tourism and economic enterprise.

    Shared Responsibilities

    The Koonibba community council and Ceduna Indigenous leaders will:
  • Establish a steering committee who will 'guide and monitor' the project under the leadership of the Ceduna Area School;
  • Engage with the business planning stage of the SRA;
  • Participate in concept workshops, which will include looking at the design of interpretive and story signage on the trail;
  • Identify community members who can share cultural knowledge on the use and preparation of traditional medicines; work with students on recording local stories; and help prepare the content of the interpretive information of the trail;
  • Provide CDEP participants to work on the design, construction and business planning aspects of the project; and
  • Assist the steering committee in the preparation of future enterprise development activities.

    Families and individuals will:
  • Research native plants to be included in the trail;
  • Collect native seeds;
  • Help to collate Indigenous stories; and
  • Assist in the design and development of the trail, and in the design of the interpretive materials for the tourism and economic enterprise.

    Students will:
  • Participate in Tourism Leadership training, and volunteer as tourist guides; and
  • Support and participate in the enterprise initiative in the ways identified in the business plan.

    The Commonwealth Government Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) has proposed to provide $45,000 of funding for specialist Indigenous people to assist in the design of the trail and to research local stories and native plants.

    The South Australian Government Department of Education and Children's Services (DECS) proposes to provide $5000 towards the costs of students participating in culture camps.

    The funding of the SRA is subject to the partners entering into a legally binding funding agreement.

    Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms

    The SRA provides for the following performance indicators, to be provided once by DEST:

    1. Details of how Indigenous community members are involved in the carrying out of the project;
    2. Ways in which Indigenous students have been assisted by the project;
    3. The number of Indigenous students whose attitude to school and learning was a positive one by the end of the project;
    4. The number of Indigenous parents and community members who had actively participated in the program at its completion;
    5. Proportion of Indigenous students with a positive attitude to school and learning; and
    6. The number of Indigenous parents and community members who actively participate in school activities.

    In addition, DECS must report on a six-monthly basis on the number of students involved in the project.

    The feedback mechanisms and SRA monitoring strategies include:
  • The Indigenous specialist, 'Plants for People' school representative, Parents in Partnership Group (PIP) and the Ceduna Area School will report quarterly to the Dreaming Trail steering committee;
  • The steering committee will report quarterly to the Ceduna Indigenous Coordination Centre (CICC);
  • TAFE will report on the number of certificates and accreditations achieved in relation to the Dreaming Trail;
  • PIP will report on numbers of, and feedback from volunteers on the progress of the Dreaming Trail;
  • Guides will identify the numbers of tourists who visit the trail; and
  • Each phase of development will be monitored by the CICC.

  • Related Entries

  • Ceduna Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)
  • Department of Education and Children's Services (SA) - Signatory
  • State of South Australia - Signatory
  • Commonwealth of Australia - Signatory
  • Kooniba Indigenous Council - Signatory
  • Department of Education, Science and Training (Cth) - Signatory
  • Ceduna Area School - Signatory
  • People
  • Ceduna Indigenous Community - Signatory
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) Programme

  • Glossary

    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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