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Sunshine Coast ‘Building the Capacity of the Community’ Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 3 March 2006
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
Place:Sunshine Coast
State/Country:Queensland, Australia
The Sunshine Coast begins at Caloundra, north of Brisbane, and extends to Cooloola.
  • Proposed contribution - Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination ($70,000)
  • Subject Matter: | Consultation | Research
    Summary Information:
    The Sunshine Coast 'Building the Capacity of the Community' Shared Responsibility Agreement is an agreement between the Indigenous community of the Sunshine Coast and the Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination for the engagement of a Community Broker to support the community in conducting a thorough self-assessment, through which the community will identify:
  • community issues and priorities;
  • community assets, infrastructure, resources, opportunities and challenges;
  • community driven solutions;
  • capacity building needs of the community to enable them to better negotiate, implement and monitor SRAs;
  • potential SRAs including community responsibilities; and
  • appropriate community negotiation processes.

    Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.
  • Detailed Information:

    The aim of the SRA is to increase the community's ability to work together successfully to identify community priorities, and develop frameworks for their implementation.

    Shared Responsibilities

    The community will:
  • provide office space and equipment for the community broker;
  • establish and participate in an SRA Steering Committee;
  • undertake a community self-assessment process;
  • identify whole-of-community issues, short to long term priorities and proposed solutions; and
  • build community capacity to identify, negotiate and implement future SRAs.

    Families and individuals will:
  • participate in community consultations and self-assessment process;
  • commit to recognise, respect and work within a community shared leadership;
  • participate in activities that build the capacity to identify and prioritise community issues; and
  • participate in activities which build the capacity to negotiate shared responsibility agreements with government.

    The Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination has proposed a contribution of $70,000 to engage a community broker for these purposes.

    This funding is subject to the parties entering into a legally binding funding agreement.

    Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms

    The SRA provides for quarterly reporting by the Community Broker on a range of issues including:
  • the extent to which the community is actively engaging in priority settings and solutions;
  • the number and proportion of individuals participating in the self-assessment and planning process;
  • the number of community consultation meetings held;
  • the number of community members participating in Community Capacity building activities; and
  • the number of community members who are members of organisations, groups and committees.

    In addition to this, the Brisbane Indigenous Coordination Centre will meet quarterly with the SRA steering committee to monitor the SRA progress.

  • Related Entries

  • Brisbane Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC) - Signatory
  • Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (Cth)
  • State of Queensland - Signatory
  • People
  • Sunshine Coast Indigenous Community

  • Glossary

    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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