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Nulleywah ‘Environmental Health’ Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 29 March 2006
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
The Nulleywah community is located in Kununurra, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
  • Proposed contribution - Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination ($13,000)
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations ($13,000)
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Education and Training (Western Australia) (In-Kind)
  • Subject Matter:Education | Employment and Training | Horticulture
    Summary Information:
    The 'Nulleywah' Shared Responsibility Agreement is an agreement between the Nulleywah Aboriginal Community, the Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and the Western Australian Department of Education and Training. It provides for the training of members of the Nulleywah community in horticulture, as well as the provision of resources in order to develop the capacity of the community to maintain its environmental surrounds.

    Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.
    Detailed Information:
    The SRA aims to facilitate training for members of the Nulleywah community in horticulture; to support the economic development of the community nursery; and to improve the environmental surrounds of the community. It also aims to address safety issues such as fire prevention and snake deterrence as well as encouraging greater care and maintenance of the community.

    Shared Responsibilities
    The SRA provides that the community will:
    • undergo training in equipment use and management;
    • undertake and complete horticulture training through Kimberley TAFE;
    • undertake the landscaping, mowing, and general maintenance of the community surrounds; and
    • propagate in the nursery to provide trees and plants for the landscaping project.

    Individual community members will:
    • become involved in the planning process for landscaping;
    • remove obstacles for passage of equipment as well as cooperate with workers;
    • ensure rubbish is contained in bins, ready for collection;
    • maintain landscaped areas as part of the CDEP program;
    • ensure community houses and gardens are free from rubbish and long grass;
    • five individuals will undertake formal training while work is being carried out; and
    • ensure the equipment used in the works are free from damage and children are kept away from work area while machinery is in use.

    In addition, the East Kimberley CDEP Program will:
    • manage the contract tender process for purchase of equipment;
    • manage the CDEP activities;
    • ensure training is undertaken and safety procedures are followed;
    • increase paid work readiness of CDEP participants;
    • manage assets in accordance with funding terms and agreements;
    • own, insure and maintain any capital equipment; and
    • provide Nulleywah Community with priority use of the equipment and develop procedures for use of equipment by other communities.

    The Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations have each proposed contributions of $13,000 towards the purchase of a tractor and slasher, and the Western Australian Department of Education and Training has proposed in-kind support through the provision of horticulture training at Kimberley TAFE.

    This funding is subject to the parties entering into a legally enforceable funding agreement.

    Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms
    The SRA provides for quarterly reporting by the community on the number of fire breaks created; East Kimberley TAFE on the number of people attending and completing the horticulture training; and East Kimberley CDEP on the general appearance of the community. It also provides for quarterly community visits by the East Kimberley Indigenous Coordination Centre.

    Related Entries

  • Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (Cth) - Signatory
  • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Cth) - Signatory
  • Department of Education and Training (WA) - Signatory
  • East Kimberley Community Development Employment Programme (CDEP) Pty Ltd
  • Kununurra Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)
  • Commonwealth of Australia - Signatory
  • State of Western Australia - Signatory
  • Kimberley TAFE
  • People
  • Nulleywah Indigenous Community - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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