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Treaty 9

Date: 1 June 1905
Sub Category:Treaty (Canada)
Alternative Names:
  • James Bay Treaty
  • Subject Matter:Land Settlement
    Summary Information:
    Detailed Information:
    Treaty 9 was signed on a number of different dates in June and July of 1905 between representatives of Her Majesty's government and representatives of various bands of Indians, including the Cree, Beaver and Chipewyan bands.

    Under the terms of the treaty, the bands of Indians agreed to 'cede, release, surrender and yield up to the government of the Dominion of Canada, the area of land, in the state of Ontario 'bounded on the south by the northern boundaries of the territory ceded by the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850, and the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850, and bounded on the east and north by the boundaries of Ontario, and on the west by a part of the eastern boundary of the territory ceded by the Northwest Angle Treaty No. 3'. The area amounts to approximately ninety thousand square miles.

    Further, these bands of Indians agreed to conduct themselves as loyal subjects of the King, and to maintain good relations amongst themselves and in their relationships with the settlers in the treaty area.

    In exchange, the crown recognised the rights of the Indians to continue hunting, trapping and fishing throughout the area, and also promised to:
  • lay aside reserves for each band, the same not to exceed in all one square mile for each family of five, or in that proportion for larger and smaller families;
  • make each Indian a present of eight dollars in cash;
  • pay a salary to all Indians of four dollars on an annual basis;
  • give to each chief, after signing the treaty, a suitable flag and a copy of the treaty;
  • pay the salaries of teachers to instruct the children of said Indians; and
  • provide such school buildings and educational equipment as is necessary.

  • Related Entries

  • Government of Canada - Signatory
  • People
  • Cree Indians - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Treaty (Canada)

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