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Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act 2005 (NT)

Category: Legislation
Date: 9 February 2006
Sub Category:Legislation
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Summary Information:
The objects of the Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act 2005 (NT) (the Act) are to support child, family and social welfare and improve the health of people in the Territory by providing a legislative framework for the prevention of volatile substance abuse and the protection of persons, particularly children, from harm resulting from volatile substance abuse. Under the Act, wardens are given certain powers enabling the:

'(a) the prevention of volatile substance abuse;

(b) the relocation to places of safety, or to responsible adults, of persons abusing volatile substances who may pose a risk to the health and safety of themselves or others;

(c) the making of orders that persons at risk of severe harm as a result of abuse of volatile substances must participate in treatment programs;

(d) the making of management plans relating to the possession, supply and use of volatile substances in certain communities;

(e) the prosecution of persons for the unlawful supply of volatile substances; and

(f) the protection of persons who give information to police officers about the commission of offences against this Act.' (s 3)

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