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Urapuntja 'Safer and More Resilient Communities with Better Services for Targeted Groups' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 10 May 2007
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • Urapuntja 'Community Well-Being' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
  • Payments:
  • Proposed contribution - Attorney-General's Department (Cth) ($82,950)
  • Subject Matter: | Employment and Training | Youth
    Summary Information:
    The Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) was developed between the Urapuntja Indigenous Community, the Urapuntja Council Aboriginal Corporation and the Australian Government Attorney General's Department on 10 May 2007.

    The SRA aims to improve levels of safety and well-being in the Urapuntja Indigenous Community through a range of programs including a Night Patrol service, disengaged youth strategies and improved community municipal and aged care services.

    Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.
    Detailed Information:

    The purpose of this SRA is to address issues of youth anti-social behaviour, vandalism, and drug and alcohol related community safety issues through the development and implementation of a Night Patrol service, youth diversion activities and community safety and crime prevention training programs.

    This SRA was developed in conjunction with the Urapuntja 'Infrastructure Upgrade - Women's Community and Well-Being Centre, A Men's Community and Well-Being Centre, and Staff Housing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (see below).

    Shared Responsibilities

    The Urapuntja Indigenous Community will:
  • participate in and support Night Patrol activities, including safety training and crime prevention activities.
  • develop and support strategies to address disengaged youth, including holding a 'Whole of Community Forum' addressing youth life skills and behaviour issues and the development of a 'Youth Acceptable Code of Behaviour'.
  • assist Urapuntja Council Aboriginal Corporation in enforcing alcohol restrictions.
  • support community well-being programs through participation in health and lifestyle programs, mentoring and leadership and employment as aged care workers.

    Families and individuals will participate in training and assist in the delivery of the Night Patrol service either as paid workers or volunteers. They will also participate in community safety and crime prevention programs. In addition, families and individuals will coordinate and participate in the Community Forum to develop and implement the 'Youth Acceptable Code of Behaviour'.

    The Australian Government, through the Attorney-General's Department proposes to provide $82,950 for the establishment of a Night Patrol, including the purchase of a vehicle and provision of training in Night Patrol, community safety and crime prevention.

    This funding is subject to the partners entering into a legally binding funding agreement.

    Performance Indicators

    This SRA includes six monthly reporting by the Urapuntja Council Aboriginal Corporation on the establishment of the Night Patrol and its activities, and the ways in which the SRA has contributed to a reduction in the rate of adverse contact between Indigenous Australians and the criminal justice system. Furthermore, the Urapuntja Council will report on a range of factors, including the number of:
  • instances of juvenile crime
  • reported drug, property and assault crimes per year
  • community members taking up positions as Aged Care Workers
  • community members enrolled in training as Aged Care Workers or related areas
  • persons assisted by the SRA, including the number of youth or children (under 24 years) assisted
  • rights when patrols are conducted

    In addition, the Council will provide a description of the services provided under the SRA to the target communities. They will also provide outlines and evaluations of protocols, partnership arrangements or memorandums of understanding developed between the service provider and relevant government and non-government bodies.

    A model for the Night Patrol service is aimed to be completed by 30 May 2007, and Funding Agreement conditions must be met by 29 June 2007.

  • Related Entries

  • Urapuntja 'Infrastructure Upgrade - Women's Community and Well-Being Centre, A Men's Community and Well-Being Centre, and Staff Housing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
  • Organisation
  • Urapuntja Council Aboriginal Corporation - Signatory
  • Attorney-General's Department (Cth) - Signatory
  • Alice Springs Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)
  • People
  • Urapuntja Indigenous Community - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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