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Aboriginal Cultural Respect Framework (SA)

Category: Policy/Strategy
Binomial Name: South Australian Government
Date: 2006
Sub Category:Policy/Strategy
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Subject Matter:Health and Community Services
Summary Information:
The South Australian Aboriginal Cultural Respect Framework (the 'Framework') was developed by the South Australian Department of Health in 2006.

The Framework aims to implement goals identified in the national Cultural Respect Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2004-2009, in order to achieve improved cultural respect and health outcomes for Indigenous persons in the health care system.
Detailed Information:
The purpose of the Framework is to set strategies for the implementation of the National Cultural Respect Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2004-2009.

The framework has four key parts:

1. Policy and program development: including the development of an Aboriginal Health Impact statement to be used in the process of policy and program development.
2. Services reform: including the establishment of cultural partnerships and cultural awareness training.
3. Workforce development and reform: including the implementation of an Aboriginal Health Workforce Development Strategy.
4. Monitoring and evaluation: including a review of cultural respect processes in current service delivery.

The Framework will give rise to 'Aboriginal Health Improvement Plans,' which are regional implementation plans that will provide a guide of planned and future activities.

Related Entries

  • Department of Health (SA)
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Cultural Respect Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2004-2009

  • Glossary


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