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The Steering Committee for the Draft Framework of AgriBEE

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: Government of the Republic of South Africa
Sub Category:Federal Government
State/Country:Republic of South Africa
Subject Matter:Agriculture |
Summary Information:
The Steering Committee for the Draft Framework of AgriBEE ('the Steering Committee') is responsible for reviewing, consulting and making recommendations on the AgriBEE Broad Based Economic Empowerment Framework for Agriculture launched in July 2004. The Steering Committee held an AgriBEE Indaba (conference) for stakeholders on 6 and 7 December 2005. On 4 July 2007, the Steering Committee released a Media Statement informing that the AgriBEE Transformation Charter was being finalised.

The committee consists of individuals from three categories: 'the Unions such as organised agriculture and labour; individuals with specific critical skills and or experience as well as representatives from government' (Media Release, 21 September 2004). Participants have included AgriSA (commercial agriculture union), NAFU (National African Farmers Union), TAU (Transvaal Agriculture Union) SA, the Agribusiness Chamber, the Banking Council, the South African government and trade unions.

Related Entries

  • Department of Agriculture (South Africa)
  • AgriSA
  • Transvaal Agricultural Union South Africa
  • The Banking Association South Africa
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Transformation Charter for Agriculture

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