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David Doolan, Valerie Naylon Fuschtei, Christine Lennon and Arthur Ah Chee for and on behalf of the native title claimants in Irrwanyere Mt Dare (SAD66/05)

Category: People
Sub Category:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Native Title Claimants (registered) | Party to an Indigenous Land Use Agreement
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Summary Information:
David Doolan, Valerie Naylon Fuschtei, Christine Lennon and Arthur Ah Chee are party to the Witjira National Park Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) for and on behalf of the native title claimants in Irrwanyere Mt Dare (SAD66/05). The Agreement was registered with the National Native Title Tribunal on 25 March 2008.

Related Entries

  • Witjira National Park Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Signatory
  • Eringa, Eringa No 2, Wangkangurru/Yarluyandi and Irrwanyere Mt Dare Native Title Claim Groups v The State of South Australia [2008] FCA 1370 - Native Title Applicant

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Australia) | Party to an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Australia) | Native Title Claimants (unregistered) (Australia)

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