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Nelson Hughes, Eva Connors, Kenzie Smith, Tanya Stevens, Edna Hughes, Judith Hughes, Jocelyn Hicks, Dennis Hicks, Samantha Gonnors, Wayne Stevens, Gladys Walker and Sue Boyd (Eastern Guruma Representatives: Guruma Mali Wartu Aboriginal Corporation.)

Category: People
Sub Category:Party to an Indigenous Land Use Agreement
State/Country:Western Australia, Not specified
Summary Information:
Nelson Hughes, Eva Connors, Kenzie Smith, Tanya Stevens, Edna Hughes, Judith Hughes, Jocelyn Hicks, Dennis Hicks, Samantha Gonnors, Wayne Stevens, Gladys Walker and Sue Boyd are representatives of the Eastern Guruma people who were signatories in the Pilbara Iron - Eastern Guruma Body Corporate Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)

Guruma Mali Wartu Aboriginal Corporation is an incorporated company that was established "to represent the interests of the Guruma people in all matters relating to their traditional lands in relation to any existing or proposed exploration or mining activities theron." (Guruma Mali Wartu Aboriginal Corporation' Constitution 2.1(1))

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