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Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Aboriginal Community Council
Place:Edward River
State/Country:Queensland, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council
  • URL:
    Summary Information:
    'The Aboriginal Community of Pormpuraaw, formerly Edward River Mission until 1987, is located on the remote west coast of the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia. Home to the Thaayorre and Mungkan Aboriginal peoples, Pormpuraaw has around 700 inhabitants.

    Pormpuraaw Community Council consists of 7 members, voted in by the Community in elections held every 4 years, with the next election in March 2004. Since 1986, the Council has assumed the responsibilities of Local Government, having acquired title to an area spanning 466,198 hectares by way of Deed of Grant in Trust (DoGiT). There are approximately 700 people in the town of Pormpuraaw and the 12 Homelands Outstations.

    The Council runs a diversified Enterprise operation, including the Edward River Crocodile Farm, Cattle Property, Fishing Camps and a Community Development Employment Project (CDEP).' (Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Council website).

    Related Entries

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  • Wik Peoples v State of Queensland [2004] FCA 1306 (Determination No. 3) - Respondent
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  • Pormpuraaw Township Community Development Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Signatory
  • Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 6) (Northern Kaanju determination) [2022] FCA 770 - Respondent
  • Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 9) (Lama Lama determination) [2022] FCA 773 - Respondent
  • Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 7) (Southern Kaantju determination) [2022] FCA 771 - Respondent
  • Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 8) (Ayapathu determination) [2022] FCA 772 - Respondent
  • Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 13) (NCY #2 independent parcels determination)[2022] FCA 1178 - Respondent

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal Community Council (Australia)

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