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Green Teams Alliance

Category: Organisation
Date: 25 August 2009
Sub Category:Aboriginal Corporation
Place:Coffs Harbour
State/Country:New South Wales, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • Green Team Development Unit Aboriginal Corporation
  • Subject Matter:Forestry
    Summary Information:
    The Green Teams Alliance is the trading name of the Green Team Development Unit Aboriginal Corporation (GTDUAC), which is one of the governance bodies created under the Many Rivers Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) in 2009. The GTDUAC is also one of the signatories to this RPA.
    Detailed Information:
    Structure of the Green Teams Alliance/GTDUAC

    The GTDUAC consists of 12 members who represent the main Aboriginal employment providers and Aboriginal and local councils party to the Many Rivers RPA. It currently oversees over 70 Aboriginal Green Teams undertaking land rehabilitation contract work in the Many Rivers area.

    Objects and function of the Green Teams Alliance/GTDUAC

    The GTDUAC was established for the purpose of reducing unemployment and enhancing social equity among Aboriginal people in the Many Rivers region. Pursuant to the Many Rivers RPA, its roles include the following:

  • undertaking research across the Many Rivers region to establish the baseline for reporting employment outcomes to the RPA parties;

  • identifying and securing commercial contracts with industry;

  • providing mentoring support to Aboriginal Green Teams;

  • supporting the development and capacity building of Aboriginal Green Teams;

  • advising contract management;

  • facilitating marketing concepts and ideas;

  • providing business management and project management services;

  • coordinating and facilitating arrangements with training, TAFE and employment service providers; and

  • maintaining a strategy to ensure that jobs are sustainable.

  • Outcomes:
    Today, the primary aim of the Green Teams Alliance/GTDUAC is to provide the Aboriginal Green Teams with certainty and sustainability in job opportunities. This aim has been problematised by the short-term and intermittent nature of most of the contracts secured so far (Green Teams Alliance website).

    Related Entries

  • Many Rivers Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal Corporation (Australia) | Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Australia)

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