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Collading Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)

Date: 17 February 2012
Date To: Not specified
Sub Category:Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Native Title Act)
Place:Northwest of Tarcoola
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
The area subject to the agreement covers about 90 square kilometres over Pastoral Lease number 2526. The area is within an unincorporated area of South Australia.
Legal Status: Registered on the National Native Title Tribunal Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements on 17 February 2012. This is an authorized Area Agreement under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).
Legal Reference: SI2011/015
Subject Matter:Future Act | Native Title | Pastoral Activities
Summary Information:
The Carnding Well Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) is an agreement between:

- State of South Australia;
- A.J. & P.A. McBride Pty Ltd;
- William Herbert Lennon Snr, Ian Crombie, David Brown and Jean Wood on behalf of the Antakirinja Matuntjara Yankunytjatjara People; and
- Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal Corporation.

The purpose of this ILUA is to negotiate the relationship between pastoral interests in the land and the Indigenous interest in the land.
Detailed Information:
Details of the agreement

The National Native Title Tribunal have released very limited information regarding this ILUA. All that is known is that the agreement includes no statements relating to Future Acts.


The Antakirinja Matuntjara Yankunytjatjara People in Lennon on behalf of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Native Title Claim Group v The State of South Australia [2011] FCA 474 were granted native title in a consent determination on 11 May 2011. They had lodged their application for native title 16 years ago in 1995, slightly ammending it in 2009 to change the boundaries of the area claimed.

This particular ILUA is part of a series of ILUAs anticipated by the Consent Determination. Scehdule 7(2) envisaged that individual ILUAs would be entered into by 'various pastoralists'.

Falling under this category of pastoral ILUAs envisaged by the Consent Determination as well as being between the same parties as this ILUA are the:
- Wilgena Pastoral ILUA;
- Pinding Pastoral ILUA; and
- Carnding Well Pastoral ILUA.

Related Entries

  • Lennon on behalf of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Native Title Claim Group v The State of South Australia [2011] FCA 474
  • Organisation
  • AJ and PA McBride Pty Ltd
  • State of South Australia
  • Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatajara Aboriginal Corporation
  • People
  • William Herbert Lennon Snr & others on behalf of the Antakirinja native title claim group

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal Corporation (Australia) | Area Agreement (Australia) | Consent Determination (Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)) (Australia) | Future Act (Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)) (Australia) | Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)) (Australia) | Native Title Determination (Australia)

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