The following individuals and companies were the third respondents in Clarrie Smith v State of Western Australia [2000] FCA 1249: Bain, BG, LW & Mde, Bain AG & EA, Bain LW and Miles DE , O'Dwyer DA & Bain MDE, LE & BJ & Macleod CJ , Dawville Pty Ltd, JE & RE Day, KH Elliot, ER & SV Forrester, J & D Garrity & F Daniel, CJ & SM Graham, PG Hall, Dr Hammarquist, D, MA & RJ Hewett, BM Maguire & Turree Pastoral Company Pty Ltd, Mt Augustrus Station (1980) Pty Ltd, BA & PM Panizza, Pastoralists & Graziers Association of WA Inc, TM & GM Pens, DP Stevens & ME Roach, Sunblade Holdings Pty Ltd, JP Tennant, GJ & HE Williams, CT Woods, CF & CT Wright.
This group of individuals and companies respresents a cross section of pastoral interests in the said land. |