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Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Services for Indigenous Australians 2013- 2017

Date: 16 December 2013
Date To: 30 June 2017
Sub Category:COAG Agreement
Subject Matter:Health and Community Services
Summary Information:
The Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Services for Indigenous Australians ('the Agreement') is an intergovernmental agreement between the Commonwealth, three States and the Northern Territory. It provides for the delivery of trachoma control services and activities to improve the identification, screening, treatment, management and prevention of trachoma and trichiasis in Indigenous Australians.

- Commonwealth
- SA
- WA
- NT
Detailed Information:
Under the Agreement, the Commonwealth commits to contributing $16.487 million to the States and to monitoring achievement against milestones of the Project. The States are responsible for all aspects of delivering on the project outputs and providing regular performance reports and a final Project Report on completion.

Schedules A, B, C and D of the Agreement set out the milestones against which to assess the progress of individual State and Territory parties against the outputs, and also an activity and payment timeline.

Related Entries

  • Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Northern Territory 2012-2013
  • Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous South Australia 2012-13
  • National Indigenous Reform Agreement - Closing the Gap
  • Project  Agreement on  Improving Trachoma Control New South Wales 2012-2013
  • Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Western Australia 2012-13
  • Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Queensland 2012-13
  • Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Western Australia 2012-13
  • Project  Agreement on  Improving Trachoma Control New South Wales 2012-2013
  • Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Queensland 2012-13
  • Organisation
  • Council of Australian Governments
  • Commonwealth of Australia - Signatory
  • State of South Australia - Signatory
  • Northern Territory of Australia - Signatory
  • State of Western Australia - Signatory
  • State of New South Wales - Signatory

  • Google
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