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Balanggarra People

Category: People
Sub Category:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Native Title Holders (Native Title Act)
Place:Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Legal Status: Claim group of National Native Title Tribunal file no. WCD2015/005, registered on the Register of Native Title Claims.
Subject Matter:Cultural Heritage | Customary Law | Environmental Heritage | Native Title
Summary Information:
The native title is held by the descendants of:

"Wundangana Waina, Wuju, Amburu, Djirlarmuru, Mitilber/Njorda, Jiani, Akingungka/Nakmara, Rugben, Moolpan/Kandarworl, Boongottor, Matilda Moorajayi, Joonpan/Moorajayi, Maraltadj, Miuron, Moongkama, Purwan, Waapa, Makumuku, Torto/Yilimbiri, Nandjimara, Jalalarimiri/Kolorumari, Puraru, Nandjimara, Yarluwutj, Koolberi, Angela, Moongkama, Yoolyool, Mutumutu, Murungga, Bundamiri, Vernon Dah, Mayaltor, Malangnari, Dz^ngal, Naringa, Wolarmbar, Murlu, Zamin^elli, Mandomiri, G^nambul, Nganawongka, Ng^lnari, Mal^ngu, W^Nu, W^garmiri, Waibela, ^Nuwija, Jidei-ida/Wugad^r, N^lamiri, Malnuben, Gootimurri, Junbabara, Linound^ri, Wungur^ru, Judu, Linound^ri, Jumbabera, Bo, Do^lu, Lau-uri, Wiju/Baluga, Wanguben, Mundjangal, D^lnga, Mud^ta, Rebern, D^lnga, Med^rda, Aruwund^rdzera, Mal^ngunawal, Galamiri, Angular, Benmiri, Ziranim/Ganggu, M^labu, ^m]ra, Wulangan, Jura/Juradide, Njama, Dagi, Zunggalima, Weni, Njama, Charlie Plateman, Dickie Kooyoo, Baija, Jeduri, Zunggalima, Mandurga, W^ngadju, Nitil, Lura/Gurul, Birim, ^Ngari, Dumalbon/Tumelben, Merliman, Wangooloo, Wamblma, W^rga, Bangudenanga, Birra-rar-raa, Wanjuwila, Wungaruru, Wurarwungedzi, Zuandi, Z^lubern, G^mura, W^mbu/Njurnji, Waneigera, J^wan, Z^Inga, Guri, Banmon, Warin." "[The symbol ^ is used to connote the sound 'a'; as in but. For example, 'Dz^ngal' would be pronounced 'Dzangal'.]" (See National Native Tribunal Extract No: WCD2015/005).

"The National Native Title Tribunal extracts states for the avoidance of doubt, this includes the recognition of the native title holders to transmit those rights and interests to future generations of the Balanggarra people in accordance with traditional laws and customs." (See National Native Tribunal Extract No: WCD2015/005).

Related Entries

  • Smith on behalf of the Balanggarra People (Balanggarra #4) v State of Western Australia [2015] FCA 1334 - Native Title Applicant
  • BAC KSCS Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)
  • Organisation
  • Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC - Native Title Claimant

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Australia)

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