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Dieri People

Category: People
Sub Category:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Native Title Holders (Native Title Act)
Place:Kati-Thanda Lake Eyre National Park
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • Diyari
  • Subject Matter:Cultural Heritage | Customary Law | Environmental Heritage | Native Title
    Summary Information:

    AIATSIS Thesaurus language code and map grip reference (L17) (SA SH54-01)

    Under the traditional laws and customs of the Dieri people, the Native Title Holders are those living Aboriginal people who identify as Dieri, are recognised by other Native Title Holders under the relevant Dieri traditional laws and customs as holding native title rights and interests in the land, and, are the descendants of the following apical ancestors:

    • Ruby Merrick and Tim Maltalinha (Kulpadakuni)
    • Kuriputhanha (known as 'Queen Annie')
    • Mary Dixon (born at Killalpaninna)
    • Bertha
    • Walter Kennedy (husband of Selma, known as Thelma nee Merrick)
    • Florrie (wife of Martin Merrick)
    • Clara Stewart (nee Murray)
    • The man Panngipania (born at Lake Hope) and woman Kulibani (born at Kalamarina)

    See Gepp-Kennedy on behalf of the Dieri People v State of South Australia [2017] FCA 1156 (FCA file.: SAD133/2014; NNTT file no.: SCD2017/001).

    Related Entries

  • Gepp-Kennedy on behalf of the Dieri People v State of South Australia [2017] FCA 1156
  • Dieri Geotechnics Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Previous
  • Organisation
  • Dieri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC - Native Title Claimant

  • References

    Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) (2020) Language and Peoples Thesaurus 2020


    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Australia)

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