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Constitution Amendment (Recognition of Aboriginal People) Act 2015 (WA)

Category: Legislation
Date: 17 September 2015
Sub Category:Legislation
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Summary Information:

The Constitution Amendment (Recognition of Aboriginal Peopl) Act 2015 (WA) was passed on 17 September 2004 to amend the Constitution Act 1889 (WA). 

Detailed Information:

The amendment inserted a new paragraph into the preamble of the Constitution: 'And whereas the Parliament resolves to acknowledge the Aboriginal people as the First People of Western Australia and traditional custodians of the land, the said Parliament seeks to effect a reconciliation with the Aboriginal people of Western Australia:' 

It also deleted Section 42, which prevented Indigenous People from being counted in the population prior to Part III of the Consitution coming into effect. Because Part III is now in effect, Section 42 is redundant. 

Finally, the Act amended section 75 to remove the definition of 'Aborigines Protection Board'. This Board no longer exists, and the act it was constituted under has been repealed. 

The amending bill received bipartisan support and passed through both Houses of Parliament unanimously. 

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