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Wilyakali People

Category: People
Sub Category:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Native Title Holders (Native Title Act)
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Subject Matter:Cultural Heritage | Customary Law | Environmental Heritage | Native Title
Summary Information:

The Wilyakali People are the Traditional Owners of the lands around Broken
Hill in South Australia.

The Wilyakali People were claimants in the native title consent determination, Coulthard v State of South Australia (Adnyamathanha, Ngadjuri and Wilyakali Overlap Claim) [2018] FCA 1993. The court recognised that the Wilyakali People have native title rights and interests over the central and eastern parts of the determination area.

Related Entries

  • Coulthard v State of South Australia (Adnyamathanha, Ngadjuri and Wilyakali Overlap Claim) [2018] FCA 1993 - Native Title Claimant
  • Organisation
  • Ngadjuri Adnyamathanha Wilyakali Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

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