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Queensland Government Treaty Statement of Commitment

Category: Event
Binomial Name: Queensland Government
Date: August 2020
Sub Category:Statement of Commitment/Intention

State/Country:Queensland, Australia
Subject Matter: | Consultation | Education | Land Use | Leadership | Local Government | Recognition Agreement / Acknowledgement | Recognition of Traditional Rights and Interests | Reconciliation | Self Government
Summary Information:

The Queensland Treaty Statement of Commitment (the Statement) was signed by the Queensland Government as part of the 'Tracks to Treaty' process. Tracks to Treaty is an important step toward treaty in Queensland, allowing for extensive consultation with communities across Queensland as well as participation from First Nations people in the state.

The Statement is a commitment from the government to work towards a treaty with the First Nations people of Queensland. It also represents a commitment to truth-telling, equal engagement and participation in the treaty process, as well as raising awareness about treaty and the shared history of Queensland.

Detailed Information:

In 2019, the Queensland government announced the commencement of the journey toward creating treaties with the First Nations people of Queensland. This journey was named 'Tracks to Treaty' and included a Treaty Statement of Commitment as part of the 'path to treaty' plan.

An eminent panel of experts was appointed by the government to report on the way forward to treaty. A treaty working group was assigned under the eminent panel's direction to undertake community consultation and research in 2019, creating a Report to the Eminent Panel outlining their advice to the Queensland government (Queensland Government, 2020). The recommendations of the Eminent panel were officially presented to the Queensland Government for consideration in February 2020, supported by the finding of the treaty working group report.

In August 2020, the Queensland government released a reformed Treaty Statement of Commitment (the Statement) including responses to the recommendations of the Eminent Panel.

In the Statement, the Queensland government re-affirms their commitment to the treaty process and accepts, or accepts in principle, all recommendations put forward by the eminent panel. The Queensland government also commits to:

  • A treaty-making process with the First Nations Peoples of Queensland
  • Exploring options to establish an independent body through legislation to lead the tracks to treaty process including a truth-telling and healing process and supporting First Nations people to engage in the treaty-making process, as recommended by the eminent panel.

The Queensland government also commits to engage with all Queenslanders to increase understanding of the need for sharing of truth and importance of historical acceptance in the reconciliation journey Raise awareness about Queensland's shared history and the diversity of perspectives.

A full list of the accepted and accepted in principle recommendations of the eminent panel can be found in the attached documents.


Queensland Government Treaty Statement of Commitment - ( PDF)
Queensland Government Statement of Commitment 2019 - ( PDF)


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Australia) | Treaty | State Government | Statement of Commitment/Intention (Australia)

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