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Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023

Sub Category:Framework Agreement
State/Country:Victoria, Australia
Subject Matter:Law - Policy and Justice
Summary Information:

The Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023 (VAAF) is a framework that guides the Victorian government in its work with Aboriginal Victorians, organisations and the wider community to address inequity and improve outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians.

The VAAF aims to link existing government strategies to embed self-determination in a whole of government approach.

The overarching vision of the VAAF is that: '[a]ll Aboriginal Victorian people, families and communities are healthy, safe, resilient, thriving and living culturally rich lives.'

The VAAF, therefore, has two key purposes:

  • It is an overarching framework for working with Aboriginal Victorians, organisations and the wider community to drive action and improve outcomes.
  • It sets out the whole of government self‑determination enablers and principles, and commits the government to significant structural and systemic transformation.
Detailed Information:


There are a number of key domains that the VAAF seeks to address:

  • Children, family and home.
  • Learning and skills.
  • Opportunity and prosperity.
  • Health and wellbeing.
  • Justice and safety.
  • Culture and country. 

The VAAF sets out 20 goals across these 6 domains, and 32 objectives under these goals.

The VAAF then outlines 111 measures for meeting these objectives. These include measures on cultural safety, service access, and equity. Examples include:

  • Attendance at Koori Maternal Health Service.
  • Rate of perinatal mortality.
  • Number and proportion of notifications to child protection for children and young people where family violence is identified.
  • Student attendance rates in government schools.
  • Proportion of young people aged 20-24 with Year 12 or equivalent. 
  • Number of Victorian business owner-managers who are Aboriginal.
  • Proportion and number accessing disability services and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
  • Proportion reporting experiences of racism in the health system. 
  • Proportion of youth (10-17 years) in detention on remand.
  • Proportion of women who return to prison under sentence within two years of release. 
  • Work of the State in advancing the treaty process.
  • Investment in Aboriginal language and culture revitalisation programs.


The VAAF outlines that the government's approach should be underpinned by principles of self-determination when working with the Aboriginal community. The guiding principles set out by the VAAF are:

  • Human rights
  • Partnership 
  • Investment
  • Cultural integrity
  • Decision-making
  • Equity
  • Commitment
  • Empowerment
  • Accountability
  • Aboriginal expertise
  • Cultural safety

The government will also seek to enable Aboriginal self-determination by: 

  • Prioritising culture.
  • Addressing trauma and supporting healing.
  • Addressing racism and promoting cultural safety.
  • Transferring power and resources to communities.

Related Entries

  • Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 4

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