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Barbara Sturt and others

Category: People
Sub Category:Native Title Applicant
State/Country:Western Aistralia, Australia
Subject Matter:Native Title
Summary Information:

The full name of the applicant in Sturt on behalf of the Jaru Native Title Claim v State of Western Australia is Barbara Sturt, Kimberley Baird, M Butcher (deceased), Barabara Cox, Timmy Cranbell, Bonnie Edwards, Deborah Gordon, Ross James, Desmond Johnson, D Skeen Keddie (deceased), Edward Smith, Roger Sturt, Neenya Tesling, Peter Wein, Leslie Whippy, and Georgina Yeeda.

Related Entries

  • Sturt on behalf of the Jaru Native Title Claim v State of Western Australia [2018] FCA 1923 - Native Title Applicant

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