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Armadale Noongar Corporation 'ANC Social SRA' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 7 June 2006
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Subject Matter: | Cultural Heritage | Employment and Training | Leadership | Sports and Physical Recreation | Youth
Detailed Information:
The Armadale Noongar Corporation 'ANC Social SRA' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) is an agreement between the Armadale Noongar community and corporation (ANC), the Australian government and World Vision. It provides for the funding and resources for the delivery of a series of workshops and activities to promote positive role models and stronger families.

Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.


This SRA aims to address several community-identified priorities, including:

  • reconnecting youth to Noongar culture through families and community elders, through initiatives such as women's arts and cultural activities;
  • diverting youth from adverse contact with the criminal justice system through the continuation of a successful community circus project (World Vision Website, Circus program on solid ground, January 2007) and holiday programs;
  • building a social and cultural environment to develop stronger families;
  • building positive adult role models through the delivery of an intensive Mentoring and Leadership program for Noongar men; and
  • improving linkage between the community and mainstream service providers and networks through a youth resource project which links young people with opportunities in the wider community.

    The SRA builds upon the community development approaches arising from the strong network of active Indigenous community groups supporting the ANC, previous community consultation, and work with organizations such as World Vision.

    Shared Responsibilities

    The community, family and individuals will actively participate in and support the development, implementation and initiatives of the social and cultural programs, workshops and activities. This includes parental support of youth involvement, individual involvement in volunteering, coaching, mentoring and intergenerational support. Family and individuals will also participate in the evaluation of the implementation of the SRA's activities.

    In addition to its assessment responsibilities, the ANC will commit to developing an evaluation/feedback mechanism to report the activity outcomes to its partners and the community it represents.

    The Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs has proposed a contribution of $77,000 during June 2006 - June 2007 towards the delivery of a Mentoring and Leadership program. A component of the funding will also be 'provided towards better coordination and establishment of linkages with local community infrastructure and networks.' (Indigenous Portal, January 2007).

    The Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department has proposed a total contribution of $88,700 towards diversionary activities. In addition, 'further funding will be provided in 2006 - 2007 subject to ongoing demonstration of performance against the indicators for this SRA.' (Indigenous Portal, January 2007).

    World Vision Australia has proposed a contribution of $230,280 towards building the ANC's organizational capacity.

    The funding of the SRA is subject to the partners entering into a legally binding funding agreement

    Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms

    The SRA provides for the ANC's quarterly assessment of performance indicators, including:

  • the completion of ANC Social SRA Quarterly reports, listing program categories, activities and participation;
  • evidence of partnerships developed supporting the priorities identified by the SRA;
  • a list of families engaging in the ANC social and economic programmes; and
  • the incident profile of all youth involved in programmes during the funding period.

    The ANC will also meet with World Vision on a quarterly basis to review progress and resolve emerging issues.

    The SRA schedules a review of achievements at 30 September 2006, 30 December 2006 and 30 June 2007.

  • Related Entries

  • Perth Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)
  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) (Cth) - Signatory
  • World Vision Australia - Signatory
  • Armadale Noongar Corporation - Signatory
  • Attorney-General's Department (Cth) - Signatory
  • People
  • Noongar People - Signatory

  • References

    Australian Government (2006) ANC Social SRA
    World Vision Australia (2006) Indigenous Partnerships
    Commonwealth Government (2006) Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee Attorney-General's Department Output 1.7 Question No. 40
    World Vision Australia (2006) Circus program on solid ground


    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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