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Mullewa Women’s Indigenous Group 'Our Place, Our Home' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 14 May 2007
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Mullewa is located 450 km north of Perth
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ($57,500)
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (in-kind)
  • Proposed contribution - Shire of Mullewa (in-kind)
  • Proposed contribution - Midwest Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation (in-kind)
  • Subject Matter:Health and Community Services
    Summary Information:
    The Mullewa Women's Indigenous Group 'Our Place, Our Home' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) is an agreement between the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, the Shire of Mullewa and the Midwest Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation. It was signed on 14 May 2007.

    The agreement relates to the establishment of a place in the central part of town where woman can gather together to sit and talk, share their lives and plan activities and responses to improve the quality of their lives. A suitable site for the centre has been located, but requires some renovations before it would be suitable.

    Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see 'Shared Responsibility Agreement' below.
    Detailed Information:
    The SRA aims to work towards 'more functional and resilient families and a better community environment in Mullewa so as to overcome the deteriorating situation resulting from family feuding, community dysfunction and substance abuse over a long period of time'.

    Shares Responsibilities
    The Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs has proposed a contribution of $457,500 towards the renovation of the building for the Indigenous Women's Centre; the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has proposed that the renovation and maintenance of the Indigenous Women's Centre be an activity which involves CDEP participants; the Shire of Mullewa has proposed a contribution towards the administrative costs of auspicing the project and Midwest Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation ('MEEDAC') has proposed the contribution of the use of a building to be operated as the Women's Centre.

    For their part, the community will, through Mullewa Women's Indigenous Group:
  • coordinate, develop and implement a program of activities for the Mullewa Community, especially female members, and provide mentoring to female youth in the delivery of these activities;
  • in conjunction with MEEDAC, develop a policy for the use of the building including contribution towards the maintenance and operating costs;
  • coordinate volunteer rosters for the breakfast club program and general upkeep of the Women's Centre;
  • monitor, revise and continue endorsement of the Family Feuding - Mullewa Community Action Plan developed by the community in 2004;
  • continue coordination of forums between feuding families through independent community mediators;
  • initiate regular meetings with the shire, police and government agencies to develop responses to dysfunctional relationships and assist in brokering solutions to future incidents.

    Families and individuals will commit and adhere to the Family Feuding Action plan, in particular;
  • when there is a funeral, party or other event in Mullewa, the organising family will meet with the Mullewa police before the event in order to put into place a plan and to identify potential issues;
  • call police as soon as there is sign of a likelihood of such happenings;
  • keep children and young people away form feuding and not encourage their involvement in fighting and feuding;
  • not become involved in fighting, including not going to watch fights and not driving past each other's houses;
  • continue to reinforce reasons for the plan with family members and relatives visiting Mullewa;
  • ensure school aged children are enrolled in school and attending;
  • volunteer to assist with the breakfast program at the Mullewa Police Station; and
  • volunteer to assist with the general upkeep of the Women's Centre, such as cleaning and running activities.

    This funding is subject to the parties entering into a formally binding funding agreement.

    Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms
    The SRA establishes monthly meetings between the Geraldton Indigenous Coordination Centre and the Mullewa Indigenous Women's Group to discuss progress with the establishment of the centre and the development of activities for women and youth. It also provides for the preparation of a pictorial report on the renovation activities and two way discussion and development of a schedule of the activities to occur in the centre over the next twelve months.

    The SRA also stipulates that one-off reports by the Mullewa Indigenous Women's Group will be provided in relation to the number of social and cultural events organised in a year, and a once off report by the Mullewa Police Service relating to the number of incidents of family feuding.

  • Related Entries

  • Geraldton Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC) - Signatory
  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) (Cth) - Signatory
  • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Cth) - Signatory
  • Shire of Mullewa - Signatory
  • Midwest Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation - Signatory
  • People
  • Mullewa Indigenous Community - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)

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