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State & Ngadjon-Jii Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)

Date: 28 May 2008
Sub Category:Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Native Title Act)
Place:Far North Queensland
State/Country:Queensland, Australia
The extract of the ILUA from the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements describes the area covered by the agreement as follows: "ILUA Area" means the land and waters described as part of Lot 19 on NPW921, Lot 1421 on NPW396 and Lot 301 on NR6075, covering part of Wooroonooran National Park, Topaz Road National Park and Malanda Falls Conservation Park, as shown on the map in Schedule One. [Schedule One is attached to the agreement only and is not attached to the Register.] [The part of Lot 19 on NPW921 that is included in the ILUA Area is further described by a metes and bounds description.] Metes and Bounds Description [of Lot 19 on NPW921]: Western Part (Part of Lot 19 on NPW921) The boundary of the western part of this area being part of the Wooroonooran National Park (Lot 19 on NPW921), being about six kilometres south-south-west of the intersection of Glen Allyn Road with Topaz Road which is about twelve kilometres east-south-east of Malanda, is the area subject to Lot 4 on AP14230. Eastern Part (Part of Lot 19 on NPW921) The boundary of the eastern part of this area being part of the Wooroonooran National Park (Lot 19 on NPW921), being to the west of the town Miriwinni, north of the Russell River and straddling part of the Bellenden Ker Range, commencing at the north-west corner of Lot 115 on NR1093 two kilometres to the south-west of the town Miriwinni, extends generally south-westerly along the eastern boundaries of Wooroonooran National Park to the left bank of the Russell River; then upstream in a westerly direction for a distance of about 13km to where the Russell River meets Kiandra Creek and then in a west-south-westerly direction along the left bank of Kiandra Creek to a point that intersects with the western boundary of Lot 1 on AP14230; then generally northerly, generally westerly, generally north-easterly, easterly, southerly and again easterly along the western and northern boundaries of Lot 1 on AP14230 to the eastern boundary of Wooroonooran National Park; then generally south-easterly along the eastern boundaries of that National Park back to the point of commencement. The area of the ILUA also falls within the jurisdiction of the Cairns & District Regional Council, the Cairns Regional Council and the Tablelands Regional Council.
Legal Status: Registered with the National Native Title Tribunal on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements on 28 June 2008. This is an authorised Area Agreement under the Native Title Act 1993(Cth).
Legal Reference: National Native Title Tribunal No:. QI2005/024
Alternative Names:
  • State & Ngadjon Jii Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)
  • Subject Matter:Access | Land Management | Native Title
    Summary Information:
    The State & Ngadjon-Jii Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) between the State of Queensland (APPLICANT) and Vera Florence Ketchell, Ernie Douglas Raymont, Stanley Thomas Morta, Elsie Elizabeth Go Sam, Yvonne Shirley Canendo, Ena Eileen Gertz, Grace Kidner, Margaret Patricia Raymont and Ila Elizabeth Kidner, on behalf of themselves and on behalf of the Ngadjon-Jii People on 28 May 2008.

    The purpose of the ILUA is to provide for the exercise of native title rights and interests in the Wooroonooran National Park, Topaz Road National Park and the Malanda Falls Conservation Park. The ILUA was registered on 28 June 2008 and will operate until the earliest of the following occurs:

    - as required under the Nature Conservation Act 1991;
    - 31 December 2011; or
    - the Federal Court of Australia determines that native title does not exist in the ILUA area.
    Detailed Information:
    The parties to the ILUA consent to the native title party and the Ngadjon-Jii people:

    - having access and use of the ILUA area in a manner consistent with the protection and management of the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area, as provided for under the World Heritage Convention and associated legislation;
    - carry out hunting in the Wooroonooran National Park and Topaz Road National Park which provides, to the greatest possible extent, for the permanent preservation of the ILUA area's natural condition and the protection of its cultural resources and values;
    - ensure that the use of the area's natural resources is ecologically sustainable;
    - not use firearms in the agreement area without written permission from the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service;
    - not take or interfere with rare, endangered or valuable species in the agreement area;
    - restrict camping to periods of less than eight weeks in the same location without written permission from the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service;
    - control and contain any fires that are lit; and
    - regularly remove rubbish and debris.

    Related Entries

  • Ngadjon Jii Memorandum of Understanding
  • Organisation
  • State of Queensland - Signatory
  • North Queensland Land Council (NQLC)
  • Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service
  • Event
  • Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
  • People
  • Ngadjon Jii People
  • Vera Florence Ketchell and others on behalf of themselves and on behalf of the Ngadjon-Jii People - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Area Agreement (Australia) | Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)) (Australia) | Native Title (Australia) | National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) (Australia)

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