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Ministerial Taskforce on Indigenous Affairs

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: Australian Commonwealth Government
Date: 1 January 2004
Sub Category:Federal Government
Summary Information:
The Ministerial Taskforce on Indigenous Affairs (Ministerial Taskforce) was initiated in 2004 as a part of the Federal Government's governance structures for Indigenous Affairs.

It provides direction to policy development in this area, as well as coordination and resource allocation in order to produce improved outcomes for Indigenous people.
Detailed Information:
The Ministerial Taskforce is currently chaired by the Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. It was originally chaired by the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs. Other members include:

-The Attorney-General;
-Minister for Communications Information Technology and the Arts;
-Minister for Education, Science and Training;
-Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations;
-Minister for the Environment and Heritage;
-Minister for Health and Ageing;
-Minister for Justice and Customs; and
-Minister for Transport and Regional Services.

Other Ministers are invited to attend meetings of the Taskforce as necessary.

The first meeting of the Ministerial Taskforce took place on 16 June 2004. It identified three areas of priority for attention, which have since been refined with the input of the National Indigenous Council (NIC):

  • 'early childhood intervention, a key focus of which will be improved mental and physical health, and in particular primary health, and early educational outcomes
  • safer communities (which includes issues of authority, law and order, but necessarily also focuses on dealing with issues of governance to ensure that communities are functional and effective), and
  • building Indigenous wealth, employment and entrepreneurial culture, as these are integral to boosting economic development and reducing poverty and dependence on passive welfare'.

    The Taskforce also agreed at its first meeting to a 20-30 year vision for Indigenous Australians, that: 'Indigenous Australians, wherever they live, should have the same opportunities as other Australians to make informed choices about their lives, realise their full potential in whatever they choose to do and to take responsibility for managing their own affairs'. The Taskforce will pursue strategies aimed at furthering this vision.

    Each year the Taskforce will oversee development of a single 'whole-of-government budget' in Indigenous Affairs. The Taskforce will report to Cabinet on priorities in Indigenous policy as well as to the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet regarding resource allocation and the outcomes of Indigenous programs. The Secretaries' Group on Indigenous Affairs will support the Ministerial Taskforce. The NIC will advise the Taskforce in meetings to be held at least twice per year.

  • Related Entries

  • National Indigenous Council
  • Secretaries' Group on Indigenous Issues
  • Commonwealth of Australia
  • Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (Cth)
  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) (Cth)

  • References

    Media Release
    Senator Amanda Vanstone (2004) 'Ministerial Taskforce on Indigenous Affairs'


    Federal Government

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