Recommended Reading

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  • Book Chapters
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  • General References
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  • Click on the table headings to sort the table by Author, Title or Year

    Stewart, M. and Brauner, Y. (eds) (forthcoming 2012) Tax Law and Development (Edward Elgar, manuscript submission April 2012). 2012
    Blaser, M, Feit, H, McRae, G (eds), In the Way of Development: Indigenous Peoples, Life Projects and Globalization (2004, Zed Books, London ).2004
    Borrows, J, Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law (2002, University of Toronto Press, Toronto ).2002
    Brennan, S, Behrendt, L, Strelein, L, & Williams, G, Treaty (2005, Federation Press, NSW) 2005
    Cornell, S, Accountability, Legitimacy and the Foundations of Native Self -Governance (1993, Malcolm Wiener Centre for Social Policy and Harvard Project, Harvard University, Massachusetts).1993
    Edmunds, M (ed), Regional Agreements: Key Issues in Australia (1998, Native Title Research Unit, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra)1998
    Edmunds, M (ed), Regional Agreements in Australia: Vol 2: Case Studies (1999, Native Title Research Unit, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra1999
    Godden, L & Tehan, M, (eds) Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership: Sustainable Futures (Routledge, 2010)2010
    Howitt, R, Rethinking Resource Management: Justice, Sustainability and Indigenous Peoples (2001, Routledge, London ).2001
    Howitt, R, Connell, J, Hirsch, P (eds), Resources, Nations and Indigenous Peoples: Case Studies from Australasia, Melanesia and Southeast Asia (1996, Oxford University Press, Oxford).1996
    Ivison, D, Patton, P & Sanders, W (eds), On the Plurality of Interests: Aboriginal Self-Government and Land Rights (2000, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).2000
    Jaireth, H, Smyth, D (eds), Innovative Governance: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Protected Areas (2003, Ane Books, New Delhi ).2003
    Langton, M, Mazel, O, Palmer, L, Shain, K, & Tehan, M (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, Tehan, M, Shain, K (eds) Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Langton, Marcia and Longbottom, Judy (Eds) Community Futures, Legal Architecture: Foundations for Indigenous Peoples in the Global Mining Boom2012
    McHarg, A, Barton, B, BradBrook, A & Godden, L, (eds) Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources (2010, Oxford University Press, Oxford)2010
    Nettheim, G, Meyers, G & Craig, D, Indigenous Peoples and Governance Structures: A Comparative Analysis of Land and Resource Management Rights (2002, Aboriginal Studies Press & AIATSIS, Canberra ). 2002
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, Environmental Agreements in Canada: Aboriginal Participation, EIA Follow-Up and Environmental Management of Major Projects (2006, Canadian Institute of Resources Law, University of Calgary, Calgary).2006
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, A New Approach to Policy Evaluation: Mining and Indigenous People (2002, Ashgate, Hants). 2002
    Strelein, L (ed) Dialogue About Land Justice: Papers from the National Native Title Conference (2001, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra)2010
    Strelein, L, Compromised Jurisprudence: Native title cases since Mabo (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2009)2009
    William Isdale Compensation For Native Title2022
    Book Chapters
    Blowes, R, Trigger, D, 'Negotiating The Century Mine Agreements: Issues of law, Culture And Politics' in Edmunds, M (ed), Regional Agreements in Australia: Vol 2: Case Studies, AIATSIS, Canberra (1999).1999
    Cornell, S & Kalt, J, 'Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations' in S Cornell, J Kalt (eds), What Can Tribes Do? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development, American Indian Study Centre, Los Angeles (1992).1992
    Crooke, P, Harvey, B, Langton, M, 'Implementing and Monitoring Indigenous Land Use Agreements in the Minerals Industry: The Western Cape Communities Co-existence Agreement' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    de Costa, R, 'Treaties in British Columbia: Comprehensive Agreement Making in a Democratic Context' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Fraser, M, 'Foreword' in S Brennan, L Behrendt, L Strelein & G Williams, Treaty (2005, Federation Press, NSW)2005
    glen test xcvbxcvwert
    Godden, L 'Modern Understanding of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the 'Occupation and Enjoyment' of Land in Australia' (2010) 2010
    Godden, L & Ison, R, 'From Water Supply to Water Governance' (2010) 2010
    Hafner, D, Epworth, D, & Salmon, M, 'Planning for Agreement in Cape York Peninsula: The Pastoral Properties Planning Project' in Marcia Langton et al, Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Harvey, B, 'Rio Tinto's Agreement Making in Australia in a Context of Globalisation' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Joe Williams 'Treaty Making in New Zealand / Te Hanga Tiriti ki Aotearoa' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Kathryn Shain, William Genat and Ed Wensing 'Agreement-Making in the Local Context: Case Studies from Regional Australia' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Langton, M & Frith, A 'Legal personality and native title corporations: The problem of perpetual succession' in Strelein, L (ed) Dialogue about land justice: Papers from the Native Title Conference (2010, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra)2010
    Langton, M, 'Indigenous Affairs' in Robert Manne (ed.) (2008) Dear Mr Rudd, Black Inc. Agenda, Melbourne, 220-33.2008
    Langton, M, 'The "Wild", the Market, and the Native: Indigenous People Face New Forms of Global Colonization' in S Vertovec, D Posey (eds), Globalization, Globalism, Environments, and Environmentalism: Consciousness of Connections, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2003) 141-167.2003
    Langton, M, 'Foreword' in S Brennan, L Behrendt, L Strelein & G Williams, Treaty (2005, Federation Press, NSW)2005
    Langton, M, and Palmer, L, 'Treaties, Agreement Making and the Recognition of Indigenous Customary Polities' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Langton, M, Mazel, O, Palmer, L, Tehan, M, 'Sharing Land and Resources: Modern Agreements and Treaties with Indigenous People in Settler States' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Negotiating Settlements: Indigenous peoples, settler states and the significance of treaties and agreements', in Treaty Let's Get it Right (2003, AIATSIS & ATSIC, Canberra).2003
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Agreement Making and the Recognition of Indigenous Customary Polities', in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, Tehan, M, 'Introduction' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Langton, M. 'The estate as duration: 'Being in place' and aboriginal property relations in areas of Cape York Peninsula in North Australia' in Godden, L. and Tehan, M. (eds) Comparative Perspectives in Communal Lands and Individual Ownership: Sustainable Futures (2010, Routledge, Oxford)2010
    Mazel, O, 'Returning Parna Wiru: Restitution of the Maralinga Lands to Traditional Owners in South Australia' in Langton, Mazel, Palmer, Shain, Tehan (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Morgan, M, Strelein, S, Weir, J, 'Authority, Knowledge and Values: Indigenous Nations Engagement in the Management of Natural Resources in the Murray-Darling Basin' in M Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Morse, B, 'Indigenous-Settler Treaty Making in Canada' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    O'Fairchealleigh, C. and Howitt, R. 'Better Engagement'in Sustainability Assessment: pluralism, practice and progress 2012
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Indigenous Women and Mining Agreement Negotiations: Australia and Canada' in Lahiri-Dutt, K (ed), Gendering the Field: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods for Mining Communities, ANE E-Press, Canberra, 87-109.2011
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Evaluating Agreements Between Indigenous People and Resource Developers' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    O'Regan, T, Palmer, L, Langton, M, 'Keeping the Fires Burning: Grievance and Aspiration in the Ngai Tahu Settlement' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Palmer, L, Tehan, M, 'Shared Citizenship and Self-Government in Canada: A Case Study of James Bay and Nunavik (Northern Quebec)', in Langton, Mazel, Palmer, Shain, Tehan (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Palmer, L, Tehan, M, 'From Remnant Lands to Sustainable Communities: Negotiating Spaces for Indigenous Land and Jurisdiction in Darwin and Vancouver', in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Palmer, L, Tehan, M, 'Anchored to the land': Asserting and Recognising Aboriginal Jurisdiction in the Northwest Territories', in Langton, Mazel, Palmer, Shain, Tehan (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Posey, DA, Dutfield, G, 'Plants, Patents and Traditional Knowledge: Ethical Concerns of Indigenous and Traditional Peoples' in G Overwalle (ed.), Patent Law, Ethics and Biotechnology Bruylant, Brussels (1998) 109-32. 1998
    Shain, K, Genat, W & Wensing, E, 'Agreement-Making in the Local Context: Case Studies from Regional Australia' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Shain, K, Genat, W, Wensing, E, 'Agreement-Making in the Local Context: Case Studies from Regional Australia' in Langton, Mazel, Palmer, Shain, Tehan (eds), Settling with Indigenous People: Modern treaty and agreement-making (The Federation Press, 2006).2006
    Stephenson, M, 'Negotiating Resource Development Agreements with Indigenous People: comparative International Lessons' in Horrigan, Brian and Young, Siomn Commercial Implications of Native Title Sydney 1997.1997
    Stewart, M, 'Global Trajectories of Tax Reform: The Discourse of Tax Reform in Developing and Transition Countries', in T Lindsey (ed), Law Reform in Developing and Transition Countries (2004) 32-37 (forthcoming). 2004
    Strelein, L, 'Symbolism and Function: From Native Title to Indigenous Self-government' in MMarcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Strelein, L, 'Symbolism and Function: From native title to Indigenous self-government" (reproduced) in Strelein, L.M. (ed) Dialogue about Land Justice (2010, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra)2010
    Tehan, M, 'The Shadow of the Law and the British Columbia Treaty Process: '[Can] the Unthinkable Become Common Place'?' in Marcia Langton et al (eds), Honour Among Nations? (The Federation Press, 2004).2004
    Conference Papers
    Calma, T, 'The Human Face of Native Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Change', Plenary Address by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, paper presented at the National Native Title Conference, Coffs Harbour, 2 June 2005. 2005
    Crooke, P, Harvey, B, Langton, M, 'Implementing and Monitoring Indigenous Land Use Agreements in the Minerals Industry: An Australian Case Study, the Western Cape Communities Co-existence Agreement', Paper presented at the Remote Regions/Northern development Session of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Western Region Science Association, 26-29 February, Hawaii (2003). 2003
    de Costa, Ravi, 'Agreements and Referenda: Recent Developments in the British Columbia Treaty Process' paper presented at the Negotiating Settlements: Indigenous Peoples, Settler States and the Significance of Treaties and Agreements Seminar, Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne (29 August, 2002). 2002
    Doohan, K, 'Implementation Of Agreements: Consideration of Human Rights and the Cultural Context for the Growing Communities in Changing Economies: Aboriginal Community Development with the Resource Sector', CAMA Conference, Vancouver, 4 -6 November 2007. 2007
    Doohan, K, 'Cultural Impact Assessment methods and mitigation', Presentation to the IAIA, Yellowknife, Canada.2007
    Godden, L, Re-Imagining The Social Contract: Agreement-making with Indigenous and Local Peoples', Transforming Institutions: Governments, NGO's and Communities in Partnership Conference, Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, 25 - 27 September, 2006.2006
    Godden, L, 'Mediations Between Communal Governance and Individual Title', New Worlds, New Sovereignties Conference, Melbourne, June 6-9, 2008.2008
    Godden, L. 'Cultural Heritage and Environmental Management' Mining, Petroleum, Oil and Gas Symposium: Indigenous Participation in the Resource and Extraction Industry July 9-10, Broome.2007
    Kaufmann, P, Mining and Aborigines (Sydney 1998) National Native Title Tribunal Workshop Melbourne, September 2000.2000
    Langton, M "The Mabo Lecture: Native Title, Poverty and Economic Development" National Native Title Conference 2010: People, Place, Power, 3 June 2010.2010
    Langton, M & Mazel, O, 'Beyond the 'Resource Curse': Agreements with Indigenous Australians and their effective Implementation', Mining, Petroleum, Oil and Gas Symposium: Indigenous Participation the Resource and Extraction Industry 9-10 July 2007, Broome.2007
    Langton, M & Palmer, L, Negotiating Settlements: Indigenous peoples, Settler States and the Significance of Treaties and Agreements: Overview of the Series (paper presented at the Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne (7 March, 2002). 2002
    Langton, M & Palmer, L, Negotiating Settlements: Indigenous peoples, settler states and the significance of treaties and agreements: Overview of the Series', Other Frontier Seminar Series, Institute of Post Colonial Studies Melbourne.2002
    Langton, M, A Treaty Between Our Nations. Inaugural Professorial Lecture By Professor Marcia Langton Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies University of Melbourne, Australia, October, 2000.2000
    Langton, M, 'Our Right to Set the Course for Change', paper presented at the ATSIC National Policy Conference, Canberra, March 25-26, 2002.2002
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Unsettling Sovereignties and Negotiating Treaties: the re-emergence of customary exchange as economic relations', paper presented at Modern Agreements, Current Research and its Application, Beechworth Workshop, organised by Rio Tinto, December 6-8.2003
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Treaties and Agreements as Instruments of Order in and Between Civil Societies: A rational choice approach', paper presented at the ATSIC National Treaty Conference, Canberra, 27-29 August 2003. Online:
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Indigenous Peoples, Biodiversity Related Knowledge, Protected Areas, and Governance', paper presented to the Indigenous Involvement in National Parks Conference, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, October 2, 2003.2003
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Modern Agreement Making and Indigenous People: Issues and Trends', paper presented at the National Native Title Conference, Alice Springs, 4 June, 2003.2003
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Unsettling Sovereignties and Negotiating Treaties: The re-emergence of customary exchange as economic relations', paper presented at the Peace and Reconciliation: International Perspectives Conference, Melbourne, 16 July 2003.2003
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Honour Among Nations? Treaties and Agreements with Indigenous People' (Paper presented at the National Native Title Conference, Adelaide, 4 June 2004).2004
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Modern Agreement Making and Indigenous People: Issues and Trends', paper presented at the Commonwealth Law Conference, Melbourne, 15 April, 2003.2003
    Langton, M, Stewart, M, Cotton, J, Taylor, J, Strelein, L, 'Poverty in the Midst of Plenty,' presentation to FaHCSIA, Canberra, 15 April 2011.2011
    Langton,M., Mazel, O. & Doohan, K. Indigenous Participation in the Australian Economy Through the Resource and Extraction Industries: Lessons from the Argyle Diamond Mine Agreement Sustainable Development Conference. Minerals Council of Australia. 29 October - 2 November 2007, Cairns. 2007
    Lenegan, C, The Minerals Sector and Indigenous Relations (paper presented at 'Resourcing an Innovative Industry' - Minerals Week (2005)). 2005
    Neate, G, 'Native Title and Mining Industries in Australia' Australian Mining Seminar, London, 2001. 2001
    Neate, Graham, 'Agreement Making and the Native Title Act' (paper presented at the Negotiating Settlements: Indigenous Peoples, Settler States and the Significance of Treaties and Agreements Seminar, Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne (2 May, 2002). 2002
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Shaping the cultural and social impacts of 'mega-projects' on Indigenous people,' EIDOS Conference on Sustainable Development in Resource-Rich Regions, Gladstone, 28 June 2011.2011
    O'Regan, T, ''Beaches for all!': the tension between customary rights and universal rights in contemporary New Zealand.', public seminar held at The University of Melbourne, 18 September 2003.2003
    Stewart, M and Langton, M, 'Tax and Governance in Indigenous and Local Communities' presented as part of the 'Talking Heads Seminar Series,' Attorney General's Department, Canberra, 14 April 2011.2011
    Strelein, L 'PBCs charging fees for service,' NTRB CFO Forum, Melbourne, 3 February 2011.2011
    Strelein, L, 'Native Title Year in Review' Native Title Conference, Perth, 4-6 June, 2008.2008
    Strelein, L, Maximising Benefits- Taxation and the structuring of Native Title Agreements, Mining, Petroleum, Oil and Gas Symposium: Indigenous Participation in the Resources and Extraction Industry, 9-10 July, Broome.2007
    Strelein, L, Native Title Year in Review. National Native Title Conference, Cairns, 8 June 2007. 2007
    Strelein, L, Prescribed Bodies Corporate, Attorney- General's Consultative Forum, 16 March 2007.
    Strelein, L, Native Title Payments, Taxation and the Distribution of Benefits, Presentation delivered to the Taxation, Trusts and Distribution of Benefits Under Native Title Agreements Workshop for NTRB Senior Professional Officers, 19 September 2006, University of New South Wales, Sydney.2006
    Strelein, L, 'Tax incentives for Indigenous enterprise: two new models', presentation to the NTRB/NTSP Senior Professional Officers' Forum, Sydney, 19 September 2007. 2007
    Strelein, L. Making the Most of Native Title in Australia; Achieving Outcomes and Managing Benefits, Te Puni Kokiri (Maori Affairs), Wellington, 29 January 2007 (focus on native title).2007
    Strelein, L. Compromised Jurisprudence, Presentation delivered to the National Native Title Forum, 25 October 2006, Melbourne.2006
    Tehan, M, 'Difference, equality, recognition, justice: Indigenous Issues in the High Court judgments of Justice Mary Gaudron', Conference Honouring Mary Gaudron's Contribution to Australian Law Melbourne.2004
    Weir, J, 'Climate Change, Life and Indigenous Livelihoods in the Murray-Darling Basin', The Climate Change Crisis or the Crisis of Reason, Symposium in Honour of Val Plumwood, Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University, June 20, 2008. 2008
    General References
    Bartlett, R, Resource development and Aboriginal land rights (1993, Centre for Commercial and Resources Law, University of Western Australia and Murdoch University, Perth) 1993
    Crough G, Towards a Regional Agreement in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. Unpublished manuscript, North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, Darwin, 1995. 1995
    Flanagan, Frances, The Burrup Agreement: A Case Study in Future Act Negotiation
    Kehi, B, 'Friendship City Relations Between Communities and Local Governments in Australia and Timor-Leste: Developing Citizen-to-Citizen Relations'
    Journal Articles
    Akimichi, T, 'Indigenous Resource-Management and Sustainable Development: Case-Studies From Papua-New-Guinea and Indonesia' (1995) 103(4) Anthropological Science 321-327.1995
    Altman, J, 'The Political Economy of a Treaty: Opportunities and Challenges for Enhancing Economic Development for Indigenous Australians' (2002a) 3(2) The Drawing Board 65-81.2002
    Banks, G, 'Landowner Equity in Papua New Guinea's Minerals Sector: Review and Policy Issues' (2003) 27 Natural Resources Forum 1-12.2003
    Bourassa, S & Strong, A, 'Restitution of Land to New Zealand Maori: The Role of Social Structure' 75(2) Pacific Affairs 227.
    Brennan, S, Gunn, B, Williams, G, 'Sovereignty" and its Relevance to Treaty-Making Between Indigenous Peoples and Australian Governments' (2004) 26 Sydney Law Review 307-352.2004
    Byrnes, G, 'Jackals of the Crown? Historians and the Treaty Claims Process in New Zealand' (1998) 20(2)Public Historian 9.
    Escobar, A, 'Whose Knowledge, Whose Nature? Biodiversity, Conservation, and the Political Ecology of Social Movements' (1998) 5 Journal of Political Ecology 53-80. 1998
    Godden, L, 'Indigenous Heritage and the Environment: Legal Categories are Only One Way of Imagining the Real' (2002) 19Environmental and Planning Law Journal 258.2002
    Godden, L, Dorset, S, 'The Contractual Status of Indigenous Land Use Agreements' (1999) 2(1) Land, Rights, Laws, AIATSIS, Canberra.1999
    Godden, L, Langton, M, Mazel, O and Tehan, M, 'Introduction: Accommodating Interests in Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and the Role of Law in Economic and Social Sustainability' (2008) 26 (1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 1.2008
    Godden, L, Langton, M, Mazel, O and Tehan, M, (eds) 'Special Edition on Indigenous and Local Peoples and Resource Development: International Comparisons of Law, Policy and Practice' (2008) 26 (1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law.
    Gover, K & Baird, N, 'Identifying the Maori Treaty Partner'(2002) 52(1) University of Toronto Law Journal 39.2002
    Hunt, J, 'Building a New Society: NGOs in East Timor' (2004) 2(1) New Community Quarterly.2004
    Kehi, B, 'Australia's Relations with East Timor: People's Loyalty, Government Betrayal' (2004) 3(3) Borderlands E-journal.2004
    Langton, M, Ma Rhea, Z., and Palmer, L, 'Community Oriented Protected Areas for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: A Study of Developments Australasia', vol 12 Journal of Political Ecology.2005
    Langton, M, Mazel, O, Palmer, L, The 'Spirit' of the Thing: The Boundaries of Aboriginal Economic Relations at Australian Common Law', vol 17(3) The Australian Journal of Anthropology, p307-321.2006
    Langton, M, Palmer, L, 'Indigenous People and Modern Agreement Making in Australia: Issues and Trends' (2003a) 8 (1) Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 1-31.2003
    Langton, M. The Resource Curse: New Outback Principalities and the Paradox of Plenty2010
    LLewelyn, D and Tehan, M, " 'Treaties', 'Agreements', 'Contracts' and 'Commitments' - What's in a name? the legal force and meaning of different forms of agreement making " (2005) 7 Balayai: Culture, Law colonialism 6.2005
    Martin Papillon Aboriginal Quality of Life Under Modern Treaty: Lessons from the experience of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee and the Inuit of Nunavik August 2008
    McWilliam, A, 'New Beginnings in East Timorese Forest Management' (2003) 34 Journal of SE Asian Studies 307. 2003
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, '"Unreasonable and Extraordinary Restraints": Native Title, Markets and Australia's Resources Boom' (2007) 11(3) Australian Indigenous Law Review 282007
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Native Title and Mining Negotiations: A Seat at the Table, but No Guarantee of Success' (2007) 6(26) Indigenous Law Bulletin 18-202007
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, Aboriginal - Mining Company Contractual Agreements in Australia and Canada: Implications for Political Autonomy and Community Development2010
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Denying Citizens their Rights? Indigenous People, Mining Payments and Service Provision' (2004) 63 Australian Journal of Public Administration 42-50.2004
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Aborigines, Mining Companies and the State in Contemporary Australia: A New Political Economy or "Business as Usual"?' (2006) 41(1) Australian Journal of Political Science 1-22.2006
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Mining Agreements and Aboriginal Economic Development in Australia and Canada' (2006) 5(1) Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development 74-912006
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Environmental Agreements, EIA Follow-Up and Aboriginal Participation in Environmental Management: The Canadian Experience' (2007) 27(4) Environmental Impact Assessment Review 319-422007
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'Negotiating Protection of the Sacred? Aboriginal-Mining Company Agreements in Australia' (2008) 39(1) Development and Change 25-512008
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, and Corbett, T, 'Indigenous Participation in Environmental Management of Mining Projects: The Role of Negotiated Agreements' (2005) 14(5) Environmental Politics 629-47.2005
    Pearson, N, Kostakidis-Lianos, L, Building Indigenous Capital: Removing Obstacles to Participation in the Real Economy' (2004) Easter Australian Prospect 1-10 (
    Pruess, K. & Napanangka-Brown, J. Stopping the Petrol Sniffing in Remote Aboriginal Australia: Key Elements of the Mt. Theo Program2006
    Riley, M, Winning Native Title: The Experience of the Nharnuwangga, Wajarri and Ngarla People' (2002) 2(19) Land, Rights, Laws, AIATSIS, Canberra. 2002
    Senior, C, 'The Yandicoogina Process: A Model for Negotiating Land Use Agreements' (1998) 6 Land, Rights, Laws, AIATSIS, Canberra. 1998
    Sheehan, A & Mascher, S, 'Indigenous Land Use Agreements: A Pathway for Negotiating the Future' (1998) Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal 300.1998
    Sheiner, P, The Beginning of Certainty: Consent Determinations of Native Title' (2001) 2(12) Land, Rights, Laws, AIATSIS, Canberra. 2001
    Stewart, M, 'Native Title and Tax: understanding the issues' 7(21) Indigenous Law Bulletin 72010
    Strelein, LM, Morgan M, Weir, J, Indigenous Nations of the Murray Darling Basin' (2004) 5(29) ILB 17-20. 2004
    Tehan, M, 'Practising Land Rights: The Pitjantjatjara in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia' (1993/4) 65(4) Australian Quarterly 34-54.1994
    Tehan, M, 'Indigenous Peoples and Negotiated Agreements: Experiences and Post Mabo Possibilities for Environmental Management'(1997) 14 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 114-134. 1997
    Tehan, M, 'Customary Title, Heritage Protection and Property Rights in Australia: Emerging Patterns of Land Use in the Post Mabo Era' (1998) 7(3) Journal of Pacific Rim Law and Policy 765-802. 1998
    Tehan, M, 'A Hope Disillusioned, an Opportunity Lost? Reflections on Common Law Native Title and Ten Years of the Native Title Act' (2003) 27(2) Melbourne University Law Review 523-571. 2003
    Marcia Langton From Conflict to Cooperation February 2015
    Allbrook, M, Jebb, A, Implementation and Resourcing of Native Title Related Agreements, NNTT (2004).2004
    Barron, L, Gauntlett, E, Model of Social Sustainability, Stage 1 Report, Housing and Sustainable Communities Indicators Project, WACOSS, Perth, (2002).2002
    Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts Analysis of Indigenous Interests In Government-Owned Land Across Australia2008
    Intergroup Consultants Aboriginal Engagement in Resource Development: Industry leading PracticesOctober 2008
    Jonas, W, Native Title Report 2002, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Sydney (2003).2003
    Langton M, Ma Rhea, Z, 'Traditional Lifestyles and Biodiversity Use Regional Report: Australia, Asia and the Middle East', Composite Report prepared for the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal (2003). 2003
    Langton, M & Mazel, O, 'Scoping paper on the Trends in Agreement-Making with Indigenous Communities' for the Ministerial Council for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs.2007
    Local Government Association of Queensland Queensland Local Government Template Indigenous Land Use Agreement: Commentary & TemplatesFebruary 2008
    Meyers Gary and Muller Simone (eds), The Way Forward: An Overview of Indigenous Land (and Resource) Use Agreements Perth 1996.1996
    Native Title Research Unit What's New - June 20112011
    North-South Institute Canada Component: Indigenous Perspectives on Consultation and Decision-Making about Mining and Other Natural Resources2009
    Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision Report on Government Services 2004: Indigenous Compendium, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra (2004). 2004
    Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision, Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: key indicators 2003, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra (2003). 2003
    Strelein, L & Tran, T, Taxation and Trusts and the Distribution of Benefits under Native Title Agreements, Native Title Research Report No. 1/2007, Native Title Research Unit, AIATSIS, Canberra. 2007
    Strelein, L, 'Prescribed Bodies Corporate: charging fees for service,' Native Title Research Unit, 2011, Native Title Newsletter Number 1/11 (January-February 2011), Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra.2011
    Taylor, J, Hunter, B, The Job Still Ahead: Economic Costs of Continuing Indigenous Employment Disparity, A Report for ATSIC, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra (1998). 1998
    Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (AIATSIS) AIATSIS Place ThesaurusJanuary 2007
    Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (AIATSIS) AIATSIS Language ThesaurusOctober 2006
    Doohan, Kim Making Things Come Good: Relations Between Aborigines and Miners at Argyle2008
    Dorsett, S & Godden, L, A Guide to Overseas Precendents of Relevance to Native Title, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra 1998.1998
    Gibson, G & O'Faircheallaigh, C, 'IBA Community Toolkit: Negotiation and Implementation of Impact and Benefit Agreements'2010
    Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission "Traditional laws and customs for Githabul people set to live on forever"30/11/2007
    McCausland, Ruth, 'Negotiating Shared Responsibility Agreements: A Tool Kit', Ngiya Institute for Indigenous Law, Policy and Practice, Paper 7, December 2005. 2005
    National Native Title Tribunal, What is a Prescribed Body Corporate? (available online at at 1 May 2007).September 2006
    National Native Title Tribunal, What happens when there is a native title application? (2000) (available online at at 1 May 2007).August 2000
    National Native Title Tribunal, Glossary 2006
    Strelein, L Taxation of Native Title Agreements, Research Monograph 1_2008, Native Title Research Unit, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra2008
    Strelein, L., Taxation of native title benefits , NTRB Legal Masterclass, Aurora Project, Sydney, July 2007.2007
    Submissions to Governments
    Dodson M, Indigenous Social Justice: a Submission to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia on the Social Justice Package, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Special Justice Commissioner, Sydney, 1995.1995
    Langton, M, Tehan, M, Godden, L and Stewart, M, ATNS Submission to the FaHCSIA Discussion Paper on Optimising Benefits from Native Title Agreements December 20082008
    Marcia Langton, Lee Gooden, Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh, Miranda Stewart, John Taylor, Maureen Tehan Submission to the Treasury, Scoping Study for a National Not-for-Profit Regulator (Consultation Paper, January 2011)25 February 2011
    Maureen Tehan, Marcia Langton ATNS Submission - Native Title Amendment Bill 201231 January 2013
    Miranda Stewart Submission to the Treasury, Exposure Draft, Charities Bill 20131 May 2013
    Miranda Stewart Tax Laws Amendment Bill 2012: Tax Treatment of Native Title Benefits23 August 2012
    Stewart, M ATNS Submission to the Policy Transition Group on the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Issues Paper2010
    Stewart, M, ATNS Submission: Native Title, Indigenous Economic Development and Tax Consultation Paper 2010
    Working Papers
    Altman, J, Levitus, R, 'The Allocation and Management of Royalties Under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act: Options for Reform' CAEPR Discussion Paper No 191, ANU, Canberra (1991).1991
    Arabena, Kerry, 'Not Fit For Modern Australian Society: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the New Arrangements for the Administration of Indigenous Affairs', AIATSIS Research Discussion Paper 16, Canberra.
    Bauman, T, Williams, R, 'The Business of Process: Research Issues in Managing Indigenous Decision-Making and Disputes in Land' Research Discussion Paper No 13, AIATSIS (2004).2004
    Dodson, M, Smith, D, 'Governance for Sustainable Development: Strategic Issues and Principles for Indigenous Australian Communities' (2003) CAEPR Discussion Paper No 250, ANU, Canberra.2003
    Ivanitz, M, 'The Emporer has No Clothes: Canadian Comprehensive Claims and their Relevance to Australia' Native Title Research Unit Discussion Papers Regional Agreements No 4 Canberra 1997.1997
    Meyers Gary, Nettheim G Garth, and Craig Donna, Australian Research Council Collaborative Research Project: Governance Structures for Indigenous Australian on and off Native Title Lands. Discussion Papers 1-9 Sydney 1999.1999
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, Native title and agreement making in the mining industry : focusing on outcomes for indigenous peoples (2004, Native Title Research Unit, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Issues Paper 25)2004
    O'Faircheallaigh, C, Implementation of Mining Agreements in Australia and Canada', Aboriginal Politics and Public Management Research Paper No 13, Griffith University, Brisbane (2003). 2003
    O'Faircheallaigh, C. 'Use and Management of Revenues from Indigenous - Mining Company Agreements: Theoretical Perspectives' (ATNS Working Paper No 1, 2011)June 2011
    Taylor, J. 'Indigenous Population Projections in Mining Regions: Dividend or Dependency?' (ATNS Working Paper No. 2, 2011)December 2011
    Workshop Presentations
    Strelein, L. Native Title payments, taxation and the distribution of benefits, Native Title Research Unit, AIATSIS, Canberra (Background Paper for workshop)2006

    For further information on these resources, please contact