Company Limited by Guarantee
Indigenous Carbon Industry Network20/09/2021
Mirning Green Energy Limited29/01/2021
Yamatji Southern Regional Corporation8/01/2020
National Native Title Council1/01/2006
First Nations Legal and Research Services (FNLRS)12/08/2003
Aboriginal Housing Company Ltd1/01/1973
Dampier Salt Ltd8/11/1967
Impala Platinum
Energex Ltd
A A Company Ltd
MEGT (Australia) Ltd
Ngarluma Ngurra Limited
Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd
Forsayth Wind Farm Pty Ltd
Best Employment Ltd
Onslow Resources Ltd
Hodges Resources Ltd
Kalkadoon Administrative Services Pty Ltd
Kalkadoon Enterprises Pty Ltd
Paraway Pastoral Company Ltd
Aurizon Operations Limited
Hamersley HMS Pty Ltd as manager for and on behalf of others
Hamersley Resources Ltd as manager for and on behalf of others
Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd on its own behalf as a venturer and as a manager for others
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited
Kalkadoon Cultural Heritage Services Pty Ltd

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