Land Transfer Agreement
'Land transfer agreement' is a term which describes the subject matter of an agreement, rather than a specific category of agreement. A land transfer agreement is an agreement which includes the transfer of land from one party to another.
Daintree Handback 29/01/2021
Bromley Land Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)30/01/2018 
Biamanga and Gulaga National Parks Land Transfer6/05/2006
Agreement to return Walga Rock to the custodial care of its traditional owners 18/11/2004
Larapinta Land Release1/01/2003
Comalco Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Western Cape Communities Co-existence Agreement)24/08/2001 
Land Tenure Agreement between the State of Queensland, the Western Yalanji People, and Alan and Karen Pedersen28/09/1998
Gold Coast Land Transfer Agreement28/07/1998
Gulf Communities Agreement1/09/1997

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