Framework Agreement
These can be legally binding agreements, however they are essentially ‘process agreements’, that is, they generally bind parties to adhere to certain processes rather than to substantive issues.
Wangkangurru/Yarluyandi Petroleum Conjunctive Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 2/03/2012 
Torres Strait Health Partnership Framework Agreement25/07/2006
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 21/06/2006
Agreement on South Australian Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing18/11/2005
Agreement for the Provision of Housing for Indigenous People (ACT)1/10/2005
Heads of Agreement between Lyons Development Corporation, Larrakia Development Corporation, Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation and the Northern Land Council7/09/2005
Overarching Agreement on Indigenous Affairs between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Northern Territory of Australia6/04/2005
Western Australian Aboriginal Justice Agreement31/03/2004
Nyikina Mangala and Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Native Title Process Agreement22/03/2004  
Framework Agreement between the Mulga Mallee Regional Council, the Department of Indigenous Affairs and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder20/01/2004
Ourimbah Protocol11/07/2003
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 2003-20081/07/2003
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 2003-2008: Bilateral Agreement (Queensland)1/07/2003
Arrangement between the Queensland Government, Queensland Mining Council and the Queensland Indigenous Working Group1/07/2003
Hughenden Framework Agreement24/04/2003
Protocol Agreement between Alexandrina Council and Ngarrindjeri People8/10/2002
Heads of Agreement between the Kariyarra People and the Town of Port Hedland1/10/2002
Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing and Related Infrastructure for Indigenous People in the Northern Territory1/08/2002
Western Australian Framework Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health5/07/2002
Agreement on Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health12/06/2002
MaMu Canopy Walk Heads of Agreement24/03/2002 
Australian Capital Territory Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Statement of Intent20/02/2002
Agreement on the Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (New South Wales)1/01/2002
Goldfields Heritage Protection Protocol15/08/2001
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Framework Agreement (South Australia)1/08/2001
Protocol for the Negotiation of Agreements for Exploration and Mining for New South Wales26/06/2001
Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing and Infrastructure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Queensland (excluding the Torres Strait Region)20/02/2001
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement19/12/2000
Ngadju Heritage Protection Protocol12/12/2000
Heads of Agreement between the Jawoyn Association and The Fred Hollows Foundation2/05/2000
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 1999-2003: Bilateral Agreement (Queensland)1/05/2000
Torres Strait Housing and Infrastructure Agreement1/01/2000
South Australian Statewide Framework Agreement 1/01/2000 
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 11/01/2000
Agreement on National Indigenous Housing Information1/12/1999
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 1999-20038/07/1999
Health Framework Agreement (Torres Strait Islands)5/02/1999
Byron Shire-Arakwal People Heads of Agreement16/10/1998
Alice Springs to Darwin Railway Agreement1/09/1998 
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Northern Territory) 1/04/1998
Framework Agreement between the Native Title Claimants, the Rubibi Working Group and the State of Western Australia1/01/1998
Local Agreement between Eurobodalla Shire Council and Aboriginal Community1/01/1998
Hail Creek Coal Agreement Wiri Yuwiburra1/01/1998
Hail Creek Protocol1/01/1998
Gulf Communities Agreement1/09/1997
The Redland/Quandamooka Native Title Process Agreement14/08/1997
Cape York Tourism Heads of Agreement 12/03/1997
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Western Australia)6/11/1996
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Victoria)1/11/1996
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Australian Capital Territory)19/08/1996
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (New South Wales)8/08/1996
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Queensland)23/07/1996
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (South Australia)1/07/1996
Hopevale Heads of Agreement21/02/1996
Cape York Peninsula Heads of Agreement5/02/1996
Yandicoogina Negotiations Protocol & Confidentiality Deed1/01/1996
Wellington Agreement1/01/1995
Snake Creek Negotiation Agreement15/01/1991
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 3
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 4
Western Cape Communities Heads of Agreement
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023
The Mutitjulu Community Participation and Partnership Agreement
Far West Coast (SA) Working Group Agreement
Bilateral Agreement on Indigenous Affairs between the Commonwealth and Western Australia 2006 - 2010  

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