Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service Agreement
Agreements involved ACCHSs
Statement of Commitment between the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council and Health Workforce Queensland28/10/2016
Strategic Partnership Statement between Apunipima Cape York Health Council and Catholic Health Australia 30/08/2016
Memorandum of Understanding between Apunipima Cape York Health Council and Mercy Health Australia 30/08/2016
Northern New South Wales Integrated Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-2020 Partnership Agreement3/08/2015
Sydney Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Health Partnership Agreement 7/07/2014
Cape York Regional Health Forum Deed of Commitment15/08/2006
Northern NSW Aboriginal Health Partnership Agreement 2016-2018
Memorandum of Understanding between Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and Cancer Council Victoria
Memorandum of Understanding between the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, AIDS Hepatitis and Sexual Health Line Inc. and the Hepatitis C Council Victoria Inc.
Collaborative Agreement between the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council and General Practice Queensland

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