COAG Agreement
Includes health agreements: NPA, OBIP, and National Agreements
National Agreement on Closing the Gap27/07/2020 
Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Services for Indigenous Australians 2013- 201716/12/2013
Project Agreement for the Rheumatic Fever Strategy 2013-201616/11/2013
Project Agreement for the Delivery of Renal Services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the Central Region of the Northern Territory3/08/2012
Project Agreement for the Torres Strait Islander Health Protection Strategy - Saibai Island Health Clinic26/06/2012
Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous South Australia 2012-13 10/06/2012
Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Western Australia 2012-135/06/2012
Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Queensland 2012-135/06/2012
Project  Agreement on  Improving Trachoma Control New South Wales 2012-2013 5/06/2012
Project Agreement on Improving Trachoma Control Indigenous Northern Territory 2012-20135/06/2012
NPA on Remote Service Delivery30/05/2012
Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement 31/05/2011
National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes 1/05/2011
National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Public Internet Access (2009) 2/07/2009
National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes 1/07/2009
National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery 27/01/2009
Closing the Gap: National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Early Childhood Development3/07/2008
National Partnership Agreement on an Indigenous Clearinghouse
Overarching Bilateral Indigenous Plan between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Queensland towards Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage 2010-2015
Overarching Bilateral Indigenous Plan between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Victoria to Close the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage 2010-2015
Overarching Bilateral Plan between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of South Australia to Close the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage 2010-2015
Overarching Bilateral Indigenous Plan between the Commonwealth of Australia and Western Australia 2012-2015

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